Arcane Exiles [RP|US]

Posts: 1
Joined: 29 Sep 2016, 15:01

Arcane Exiles [RP|US]

Post by Tigernan » 29 Sep 2016, 15:45

A friend and I have been enjoying LiF:YO and have decided to start a private server that focuses on roleplaying. We are in a conceptual stage at this point. We are envisioning that there will be five house holds that have been exiled from a kingdom that start on the island.

Starting, the houses would get extra skill points and some instant buildings and materials to support them. Then they would be allowed X amount of time to build up their part of the realm before the server goes live, so to speak.

Then interactions with the various houses and freemen on the server would be available. We also want to control and maintain various groups on the server whether or not these things are implemented in game. Groups like bands, orders, guilds, houses, and eventually a kings court.

Again everything is conceptual so feel free to join us on our TeamSpeak or Steam group to discuss things, even if you might not want to play on our server. If you do, then come on over to our TS to get access information.

Steam Group:


Not as lean, or as mean, but always a Marine.

I am a heathen, blasphemer, and infidel; doing time in this life, waiting for the next.

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