Enchanted Exile and Pontavia (2 servers) Custom map, TP Mod

True Believer
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Joined: 03 Mar 2016, 09:11
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Enchanted Exile and Pontavia (2 servers) Custom map, TP Mod

Post by Helstur72 » 08 Apr 2020, 10:55

Enchanted Exile is looking for new and experienced players to come and join our growing community!
We have:
Active GM’s, a friendly, helpful community, Livemap, Custom Map,Trading Post Mod & Starter kit.
Livemap: https://livemap.feudal.tools/id/5475
Direct Link:
Our current stats are:

Skill cap: 3000/3000/3000
Skills and progression multiplier: 50
Terraforming speed multiplier: 5
Crafting period(seconds): 30
Animal Breeding/feeding period: 110
Day length: 4.5(short winters)
Wild Animal Count: 100
Object decay rate: 0
Judgement Hour: 0

Pontavia is a new, friendly PVE server and we are looking for new people to join our community.
Our server has a custom map, and TP mod, livemap and starter kit.
Discord for Enchanted Exile and Pontavia:
Pontavia live map: https://livemap.feudal.tools/?livemap_id=5913
Direct link:
Our server stats are as follows:
Skill Cap: 3000/3000/3000
Terraforming Speed 5
Crafting Period 30,
Skills and progression multiplier: ,60
Animal Breeding Period 110
Day Cycle : 4.5
Judgement Settings 0
movable Max Drop Height Meters: 5
Animals: 100
Horse Decay: 0.00

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