Fletcher LF MMO Guild

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

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Fletcher LF MMO Guild

Post by BigOmdoll » 17 Dec 2016, 10:49

Currently playing alone and looking for a kingdom to join in the current beta test for the MMO. Love to craft and PvP. currently training down the Carpentry/Bowcraft tree to be a Fletcher.

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Re: Fletcher LF MMO Guild

Post by Growlerian » 17 Dec 2016, 15:14

The Order of Calideea is always in need of people with crafting as well as combat skills. We are new arrivals in this land. Take a look at our post located here http://lifeisfeudal.com/forum/order-of-calideea-is-seeking-new-colonists-t18026/.

If you feel like we are what you are looking for follow the instructions and I'm sure you will be answered as soon as possible.

Have a nice day

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Re: Fletcher LF MMO Guild

Post by Gastenns » 17 Dec 2016, 19:51

hey Bigomdel I saw your application in the forum and have added you on steam. We will talk soon.


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