¿Is spearman a bad combat style?

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¿Is spearman a bad combat style?

Post by Pablorgz230 » 16 Feb 2018, 16:24

I read in some forums that spearman need a buff, now I'm training in my first character for spearman, so my question is simple, is probably the better option now for my character change to another combat style?

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Re: ¿Is spearman a bad combat style?

Post by Chairman » 17 Feb 2018, 04:23

Spearmen using the armor given to them from the skill line are terrible frontline troops. They are decent skirmishers backing up a strong frontline, have a diverse weapon selection of STRONG weapons that can achieve different things in combat (stopping cav, attacking people while behind allies, putting pressure on 1h users without risk of getting hit or hitting hard in shorter ranges) depending on which you choose. BUT.

It doesn't fit in with alot of people because of the fact that you are eating up a lot of point and getting only padded armor AND no shield to accompany your weapon. If you pair it with a different skill line to get armor and shields(footman line for example, if you want to use spears/boar and shield) you negate A downside of the skill line and get a pretty strong frontline character that can also skirmish, counter cavalry and deal good damage through armor depending on accompanying skills.

Don't personally see anything wrong with the skill line itself, rather see the problem of armors being locked into each skill line giving the spearman line the weakest armor type a major downside and a big reason why people end up speccing things like Cav/footman or footman/assaulter. to get access to weapons that work just as good for frontline characters but also giving decent armor, good combos, versatility and protection.

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Re: ¿Is spearman a bad combat style?

Post by Yuri319591 » 14 May 2018, 23:59

This is old, but i have one.
Spearman/footman build. Need 90 spearman for shield/spear combo. Then the spec isn't useless. Outside of that i would say they are kinda bad.
Fear lancers? Fear no more. I piss on them, even 2-3 at a time.
They cant aim to low on a horse, only chest and head, your shield if held high will always cover you. I parry like 100% of lancer shots and then immediately thrust. I dont even have to keep the shield parried, i just keep the thrust on, and the shield elevated in my other hand and it blocks all.
Best horse killer, i wouldnt say lancer killed, cuz he does end up on foot afterwards and its a different story.
Theres a few triks that i will not reveal to help you always thrust with spear and never sideswing, increasing effectiveness by 200%.
If you play normal, you will miss a lot.

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