It's Players, not DeVs...

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Joined: 24 Nov 2016, 14:07

It's Players, not DeVs...

Post by Overmind29 » 13 Jun 2018, 12:27

So after going through forums a little it is pretty sad that i have to say, that despite a lot of people crying about DeV choices slowly killing the game (jewely not being able to be sold, Sieges being expensive etc.), it is actually players who are doing so.

What do i mean?
  • A lot of people were complaining that there is nothing to do in the game, but once the DeV team makes something harder to achieve, people start complaining it takes too much time. (eg. feeding monuments without jewely selling)
  • There have been complaints about economy not working, and no one really playing outside of their own towns. Yet every guild (Gods bless exceptions) have their Trade posts hidden inside their towns behind a wall, as well as their farms (this is not the as common as Trade post issues but it is still happening)
  • People do the above (hiding everything behind a wall) because they say there is no risk of being atacked that way while farming / trading. Yet then they complain about not enough PvP going on.

So what do you actually want? A casual game that takes 2 days to skill up whole skill tree? Being able to do everything by yourself? And then what? Kill everyone on sight because there is little to do beside that, then be bored to death because you have done all there is and never play it again?
This game is not about just completion but about the process of getting there, which is not an easy task, it tries to be realistic to some extend and honestly at some parts it is not realistic enough and too easy. Inb4 "It's just a game not reality" : It is a simulation game, meaning it's goal is to simulate reality as close as possible, get over it. If you don't enjoy this kind of game, and if you don't want to spent whole day farming while playing a farmer...then why do you actually play it?

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Joined: 02 Jan 2018, 17:02

Re: It's Players, not DeVs...

Post by TastyBeast » 13 Jun 2018, 17:00

Overmind29 wrote:What do i mean?
  • A lot of people were complaining that there is nothing to do in the game, but once the DeV team makes something harder to achieve, people start complaining it takes too much time. (eg. feeding monuments without jewely selling)
  • There have been complaints about economy not working, and no one really playing outside of their own towns. Yet every guild (Gods bless exceptions) have their Trade posts hidden inside their towns behind a wall, as well as their farms (this is not the as common as Trade post issues but it is still happening)
  • People do the above (hiding everything behind a wall) because they say there is no risk of being atacked that way while farming / trading. Yet then they complain about not enough PvP going on.

It actually quite understandible if you take human nature into account.

If you studied at university, you could study so called "Game theory". It is a branch of science about human behaviour and optimal decision making in different "games" (economics, politics, etc.).

So, there is a so called "Nash equilibrium" - a very powerful tool in decision making analysis, which says that "Players will change their strategy if its beneficial for them". Now imagine that we have 2 guilds (Guild1 and Guild2) and 2 decisions (Build on realm claim and NOT build on realm claim). Four options are possible:
1. G1 does and G2 does. Now for any guild it is better to change a strategy and not to build on realm claim, because in this situation they will be safe, and the opposing guild will be vulnerable)
2. G1 does and G2 doesnt. Now G1 will change the strategy.
3. G1 doesnt and G2 does. G2 will change the strategy.
4. G1 doesnt and G2 doesnt. Equilibrium reached.

As you can see, only 4th option is an equilibrium. You can also check wiki for "prisoner dilemma", but replace years in jail for utility of losing buildings (negative utility) and destroing enemy buildings (positive utility). It will lead to the same results.

You cant fight human nature, BUT there is an option. Remove safety of town claims and players will be FORCED to fight for their buildings, because there is only one option left: "G1 does and G2 does". Hence this option is an equilibrium.

Posts: 21
Joined: 29 Sep 2014, 17:55

Re: It's Players, not DeVs...

Post by Greendalli » 13 Jun 2018, 18:45

Yes i agree with you 100 percent that each town should be penetrable. If unguarded.. Not always for the sake of war but at times for the ability to communicate. This game failed miserably in the communication department and that is vital considering it was released as a purely player based infastrucure.

Trade post should be accessible and used more thouroughly but unfortunately there are no systems to make that a neccessity and if people are storing their most valuable items in their trade post they cant afford to lose those items due to poor game mechanics.

it seems like a large task to fill in the holes they've created but that is the fortunate problem they've created by creating a game with this games vision.

I am excited to monitor the progress of this game but I am being patient with the process and will come back. But when you play other fps for so many hours and you walk around holding your sword begging to fight anything.. Well thats a problem for those that are like me who want action..

It feels that the devs tried to please both the pve and pvp community and failed to accomplish either. This is purely hindsight so my only thought is they should focus on one of those two aspects so they can start to rebuild the community. It is a difficult balance I am sure but in my opinion the game is missing something from both the pvp and pve perspectives. This future patch looks like a promising start but the key for the patch will be .. is it consistently fun.... for me!

If that answer is yes.. of course ill continue to play


If dev's want to encourage trading they need to add significant value to doing so.. But the process of trading right now does not really fit the games vision of trading and that is something the dev's should work on immediately as trading is a large part of keeping PVEr's excitement .

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