LFG for MMO|US-Mature

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LFG for MMO|US-Mature

Post by Lomaric » 07 Jan 2017, 16:34

I am looking for a mature US based guild to join in the MMO world. I bring myself and 2 others in the acceptance. We are looking for more of the crafting lifestyle. I like the smithing aspect and one of us is looking for the alchemy/healing aspect.

We have played the BETA wave 1 and looking forward to wave 2. In the mean time we are keeping skills fresh on our LIF:YO server (Elysium_Highlands). If you need 3 workers for your guild we would love to help out.


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Re: LFG for MMO|US-Mature

Post by Brother » 07 Jan 2017, 17:23

Hi Lomaric, I sent you a PM :)

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Re: LFG for MMO|US-Mature

Post by Wortnes » 10 Jan 2017, 01:36


BlackThorne Keep is recruiting. We are a RP oriented crafting and logistics guild. Im pretty sure you and your friends will feel at home.


True Believer
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Re: LFG for MMO|US-Mature

Post by Spaceturtle7 » 13 Jan 2017, 04:10

Hey Lomaric!
Wreak from Everstorm.We would love to have you guys we have an excellent blacksmith that could use the help and might be able to teach you something about it,We also have a fantastic healer/Alchemist if he needs and help as well. We don't expect you to pvp and would love to have you here.Feel free to message me on Discord: Wreak1128

Apply on our website: http://everstormgaming.com/recruitment

And you can also join us on our training server and hang out with us.

[NA/EU] Everstormgaming MMO Prep No Rules Hardcore PVP

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