Welcome to E Pluribus Unum Rp Server
You start out in one of the 3 main villages.
Main Capitol - Merchants R us.
Farmers Village - Farmers Inc.
Mining Mountain - Shing Lo Mountain.
You can work your way up to nobleman to earn your own claim.
Any unapproved claim WILL be deleted.
When you get to one of the cities or claims, announce yourself.
Titles are given by either kings or lords
No wall climbing (tree logs or bark boxes etc)
No robbing in the main cities or claims.
When you draw a weapon to initiate combat, give your opponent a chance to draw theirs as well.
No logging out during a battle.
When you are being robbed you can either give the stuff or risk being killed.
The small island (bandit island) is a no rule zone.
Remove tree stumps
TS info: ts3.skybro6789.com and go to Smurkus Server Life is feudal channel
Jimmy will get you into the server.
Enjoy your stay and hopefully see you on the Server and/or TS