(US) Blackstone Island PVPVE / Light RP / Regional kingdoms

Zealous Believer
Posts: 6
Joined: 10 Sep 2016, 03:20

(US) Blackstone Island PVPVE / Light RP / Regional kingdoms

Post by Zaldara01 » 05 Jul 2017, 04:23

Come help us start a new community. only 1 of the 5 islands have been claimed so far!
Map: Halaa
Map description: Large continent made up of "Islands". Each island is seperated by a river or other body of water. Steep cliffs on borders with limited access to each island.

Server rules:

No rascist behavior, excessive use or multiple warnings will get you banned.

Agreed upon Pvp by all members except bandits. Killing on sight will have you marked as a bandit(criminal) if the other party can prove that you KoS'd. Bandits may be attacked and killed at will with no server specific penalties.
Clan wars are allowed so as each side has members online. Refrain from camping another clans spawn area.

Each island can be claimed by a clan. They will become the ruling clan for said island. It is up to them if they will allow open settlement of their lands or if they will make a vassal or tax system for you to live on their island. All islands besides the southwest island can be contested. The rules for this will be decided at a later date.

Do not argue with an admin in global, take it to a private format. All admins can be reached via the server discord channel.

Destump your trees. Stumps cause lag. You will have 1 real life day as a grace period once stumps are located by an admin. For each stump left behind, 2 logs will be removed. If logs are not present, admins will remove something else of equal value from your claim.

Admins are here to help ensure fair play for all. They cannot spawn items in game for you or themselves that have not been approved by Zaldara Casear.

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