Feedback following CBT 4 so far

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True Believer
Posts: 185
Joined: 16 Nov 2014, 17:18

Feedback following CBT 4 so far

Post by Jairone » 24 Jul 2017, 21:35

Last login on members page, so that guild leadership can look at who had been active without tracing people manually.

Tutorial for coins, or separate button to take coins from store, since slider is not very intuitive. This should include how to get coins, remove from trade post, put in trade post, expand storage, etc.

Tutorial on what the NPCs will buy, if that system stays in (also, rotating needs and a notice about what is wanted would be cool. As in, each in game week the NPCs want different things for their coin. Could add fun flavor text, like somebody threw something in the bakery over and it blew up, thus the NPCs want food!) If it is to be replaced soon, then don't bother with that one!

Tutorials that are not video based. The videos are great for fully showing how to do things, but sometimes they are far more than needed. A text option giving the basics would be very useful without that issue.

Combat drop items inside other object (see gatehouse-cart bug report,) and on enemy claims, needs fixed. This is obviously in part still pending the siege ladders, but removing the combat drop feature for on enemy claims is a MUST with that bug. It is far too prone to abuse.

Removal of personal claims on guild claim by guild leader and/or high ranked members is needed. Also, they need to be able to force unclaim buildings. This is to prevent inactive members from having things locked away, or somebody locking people in houses.

Throwing weapons were nerfed far too hard. They take significant resources to make, and should do at least decent damage (not 15-20 when bows/xbows are doing 40-80!) Likely they should be doing around 30-40 to warhorses and heavier armors. They should remain weaker than xbows and the top tier bows for gameplay reasons. As they stand, a sling is better due to the low resources needed and far higher damage output, even if the accuracy on a sling is trashy.

Will expand with more items following field battle testing.

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