That might be an interesting idea, especially now that they are polishing up the ability to transfer between worlds in your region, and have added the third region to help with connectivity for those in other parts of the world and been working on bug fixes and crashes...
Perhaps working toward now consolidating servers back down and preparing a well scheduled wipe and perhaps some form of rewards for players that have been around a while in said servers?
don't wipe the characters or abilities, just consolidate servers and wipe the one that remains, and provide a round of rewards for faithful players that are affected so that while the world will be balanced and fair (no established cities and claims at start) players will be able to bring their skills to rebuild, and can receive some kind of reward for their previous hard work and support during that stage of the beta process
It currently does not affect me personally, I have only had one character that I have had in Epleland from when that server opened. But I love this game and have been keenly following it and my fellow players in various game servers.