Anariel is an aspiring Life is Feudal: Your Own server with an emphasis on Player vs. Environment (PVE) and Role-Playing (RP) type gaming. While Player vs. Player (PVP) is not out of the question, it is ultimately not the main focus of this server and players who are more PVP-oriented should ideally find a different server to play on. To that end, we’re looking to bring together like-minded players for collaboration and fun within the game and to enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Whether you are a serious player who loves efficiency and allocating large numbers of hours working on building projects, or you just prefer to casually contribute and interact with others while telling a story through roleplay, the Anariel server may be for you.
Learn more about us through our website:
Read our rules here:
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See our LiveMap here:
Format: Player vs. Environment (PVE) and Casual to Intermediate Roleplay (RP) (limited PVP through events)
Play Style: Semi-Casual, Semi-Hardcore, A Mixture of Both
Language: English
Player Base: U.S. (Pacific to Eastern), South America, possible future Europe (CET), peak times are late U.S. evenings on weekdays, and more open throughout the day on weekends. Open to veteran players as well as new players.
Skills Multiplier: 10
Crafting Skillcap: 1500 (Half of Max)
Combat Skillcap: 500
Minor Skillcap: 800 (Max)
Object Decay Rate: 0
Terraforming Speed: 5 (Fastest)
Crafting Period: 30 seconds*
Animals: 100
Horse Decay: 0
Judgement Hour Settings: None
Day Cycle: 5 (Real Life Hours = 1 Game Day)***
Animal Breeding Period: 240 seconds (4 hours)**
Drop inventory when using Homecoming Prayer: Yes
Random Event Chance: 3%
Our server is focused a bit on the grind as we feel that makes the journey all the more worth it. Faster settings allow people to reach 'end game' all the more quicker, and there is little incentive to trade or form relationships with other players when you have acquired all that you need so quickly. We also want it so people don’t feel ‘inclined’ to have to log in daily just to make sure their crops haven’t died, or their coops and/or barns haven’t killed off all their animals. This means many settings take longer on our server compared to other servers. Days are a bit longer as well. If you prefer getting everything quickly and easily with very little actual work done in the game, then we may not be the server for you. There are many servers which will allow you the ability to learn all skills easily and quickly. In Anariel, we want to strive to balance allowing people to learn many skills, but not every skill, as well as enjoying the journey where life is feudal, and we have to work a bit to get what we want. This means teaming up or forming relationships with other people, or selling items to The Crown to get other needed resources, or in some cases, really taking the time to reach individual goals. There are many ways to reach goals, and it is up to you as to how you get there.
Veterans and brand new players are equally encouraged to join. Generally we lean more towards the “Hardcore” end of the spectrum, however, we’re not overly obsessive over every little detail that can distract from the overall enjoyment of the game and welcome casual players and complete beginners.
We hold a firm belief through dedication and compassion that everyone is a valued member of the community, regardless of experiences and differences. To that end, though, we thrive on attention to detail, because we believe that aids in the fun. This includes having occasional meetings and talks with our player-base so that their voices can be heard and considered in our server decisions. We don't like to institute new rules without at least prior discussion with those who will be the recipients of change and feel the effects more so. Regardless, the staff and owner’s final decision is the last word.
Additionally, we’re very open to the political and diplomatic engagement in the game and seek to work together with other like-minded people to create a realistic and thriving world. If you’ve ever played a simulator game, and find that to be your cup of tea, then you know what we mean. However, our goal is to try to make it fun and not overly stressful, so players who, for example, want to become “Overlord” of their domains, should make sure people in their region are down with in, before instituting their will upon others. Nothing ruins the fun faster than when everyone isn’t on the same page.
It’s very difficult to please everyone and to balance everything we’d like to see happen on the server. Some people will be more hardcore on roleplay, while others will be more focused on the PVE element. We believe in the “Three C’s”: Cooperation, Coexistence, and Compromise. This means to find people who like what you like and are willing to play along, but leave the ones who are more focused on their own affairs to do what they want to do without forcing them to play your game.
Anariel is our world. The players help determine how it is shaped, what powers arise, how politics are determined, what alignment they are on, and so forth. After all, life is feudal! The administration and staff members work to ensure players abide by the rules and are otherwise on the same page so that they can have an enjoyable gaming experience.
Thank you in advance for your consideration in joining our server. Happy gaming!