[US] KingsWatch RP - 64 player - 3K skillcap - 3.5xskill - Judgement off unless war declared

Posts: 3
Joined: 25 Nov 2014, 02:34

[US] KingsWatch RP - 64 player - 3K skillcap - 3.5xskill - Judgement off unless war declared

Post by Dsfeagle » 22 May 2016, 10:57

We are running a RP server, where PVP is allowed as long as there's a RP reason to do so and it is within some boundaries we placed down as rules to prevent things from becoming a slaughter house, please check the steam group for the rules ;)

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/LIF_kingswatch
Server IP:

64 players
Skill multiplier: 3.5
Skillcap: 3000
Terraforming multiplier: 5
Crafting period: 60
Animal breeding period: 60
Plant growth period: 2.5
Animal count: 100
Decay: 0
Judgement hour: Off by default, only turned on during wars between two claims and only those involved in the wars are allowed to use the judgement hour's features

If you have any questions please let me know, I'll answer them for you and possibly add the information to this post

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