Hi everyone, I've done a bit of research a few weeks ago about half-handed swords. Turned out that it was impossible to do any kind of combo with those.
But today, I tried some weapons in solo and amongst them were half-handed swords. And I was able to perform one-handed combos with a shield in the left hand, and two-handed combos with only the sword. I tried again in multiplayer and I couldn't do it.
So, I tried deactivating the GM mode in solo and bingo, I couldn't do it anymore. So I thought "hey, GMs can do any kind of combo with any kind of weapon, m'kay" but when I tried to do chivalry combos, nothing happened.
So what's the deal with half-handed swords ? Is it normal that we can't perform combos with these ? Is it a GM-only feature (why would it be ?). Is it a bug ? Gotta say I'm quite lost here, anyone knows about it please ?