Myself and a handful of my friends are interested in joining an organized group of similarly like-minded individuals interested in playing Wave 1+ MMO together, and ultimately into the full MMO release. We encompass a wide diversity of play-styles ranging from grass-roots development, production, and combat. We're all early adopters (Alpha-Testers, Gold Status) of LiF and therefore will provide those given perks to the Guild we ultimately join.
We're intimately familiar with the game, but find YO servers to be too focused on inflated skillset limits and other gameplay habits that are counter to healthy MMO preparation. We've hosted YO servers in the past but ultimately found our limited playerbase size and preference towards vanilla skillset development to be a deterant for newer/inexperienced players as well as non-MMO focused power users.
We're not looking to lead or take over, however we will run/organize delagated tasks and departments as deemed necessary and warranted by the heads-of-guild. The preferred community of choice would be other Alpha-Testers (Gold forum names), however we're more than happy to entertain non-early-adopter entities as well.
If interested, PM me with the following information: (I'll fill in the blanks with my own information as a template)
Name: Zhalls
Joined: 14 Mar 2014, 12:30
Groups: Alpha Tester, Registered User
Guild: [insert guild name here]
Size: 5-Members
Looking forward to hearing from you all, especially for those of us eligable for Wave-1 that begins very soon (October).
If you are an Alpha-Tester, but do not have an organized Guild, feel free to PM me as well so that we can discuss you joining our group.