
For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.
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True Believer
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Joined: 29 Oct 2016, 22:01


Post by IngobingoBango » 24 Feb 2017, 00:42


About us
We are planning to be a constructive bunch of lads working together towards the common goal in Life is Feudal MMO. Exiles is a Practical Roleplay guild and is based on exiled Templar Knights. We have been playing on alot of RP servers in the past, but that hasnt really stopped us from being hardcore PvP'ers. While having dedicated PvP'ers in our ranks, we also value the PvE aspect of the game just as much. Some might find it hard to join the Exiles, but by showing dedication you will deffinately be noticed as we rely on active members!


Grandmaster: Head commander, architecturer and administrator of the order deciding diplomatic relations with other guilds, alliances and kingdoms. Has experience in leading men in war and peace.
Has responsibility for the well being of the guild and all of its members and having direct dialogue with the Officers.

Grandcommander: Has vast experience in combat and stratetic warfare. Grandmasters spirit in his absence. Has the same rights and responsibility as the Grandmaster, however excluding the Administrative part. Has direct dialogue with the Grandmaster.
Has responsibility for the well being of the guild and all of its members.

Master at Arms:Has vast experience in combat. Introducing and teaching new members the ways of an Exile. Administrating with close ties to the Grandmaster.
Has responsibility for the well being of the guild in all and its members.

Master of Estate: Has vast experience in ressourceful architecture knowledge. Administration and decides what and where resources/items should be at all times. You shall refer to him if you are not sure where to put your resources that you carry.
Has responsibility for the well being of the guild in all and its members.

Captain: Proves that he has leader abilities and can lead an Army if requested by the Grandmaster or Grandcommander. Usually takes command in defending the claim in the absence of Masters or commander.
Has responsibility for the well being of the guild in all and its members.

Liutenant: Proves that he has leader abilities and can lead larger units than the knight. Usually takes command in defending the claim in the absence of masters, commander or captain.
Has responsibility for the well being of the guild in all and its members.

Knight: Proves himself in training, combat and on the battlefield, but an exile may also become a Knight by contributing great service for the order. Can lead a small unit.

Exile: The backbone of Exiles, shows dedication for the order and gone through several tests and training.
What is a group without fine soldiers? However does ask officers before engaging in combat unless for selfdefence.

Recruit: Fresh, individuals eager to contribute to the order. If they pass the tests they will become part of the Exiles.

Feel free to add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198032481989/

Or contact us via discord!
Last edited by IngobingoBango on 26 Feb 2017, 21:32, edited 1 time in total.

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True Believer
Posts: 8
Joined: 29 Oct 2016, 22:01

Re: Exiles

Post by IngobingoBango » 24 Feb 2017, 00:44

In order to increase productivity both in the MMO and LIF:YO, we set out to make jobs for people to do. More detail will be explained once participating.

Miner - Jewelry
Artisan - 60
Digging - 60
Mining - 60
Jewelry - 100

Miner - Prospect
Artisan - 60
Digging - 60
Mining - 60
Precious Prospecting - 100

Builder - Carpentry
Artisan - 60
Carpentry - 100
Construction - 60
Masonry - 60
Architecture - 60

Builder - Creator
Artisan - 60
Construction - 100
Masonry - 100
Architecture - 100

Builder - Maintain
Artisan - 60
Construction - 60
Masonry - 60
Architecture - 60
Building-Maintenance - 100

Weapon Smith
Artisan - 60
Materials Preparation - 100
Smelting - 100
Forging - 100

Armor Smith
Artisan - 60
Materials Preperation - 100
Smelting - 100
Armor Smithing - 100

Nature's Lore - Alchemy / Healing
Nature's Lore - 60
Herbalism - 90
Healing - 100
Alchemy - 90

Farming - Forestry / Cook
Nature's Lore - 60
Farming - 90
Forestry - 100
Cooking - 100

Farming - Farmer / Cook
Nature's Lore - 60
Farming - 90
Advanced Farming - 100
Cooking - 100

Hunters - Stable / Coop Maintainance / Tailoring
Hunting - 90
Animal Lore - 90
Procuration - 90
Tailoring - 100

Hunters - Stable / Coop Maintainance / War Horse Handling
Hunting - 90
Animal Lore - 90
Procuration - 90
War Horse Handling - 100

True Believer
Posts: 68
Joined: 17 Mar 2016, 07:19

Re: Exiles

Post by BericDondarrion1 » 06 Apr 2017, 09:35

Allahu Akbar! I mean.....God Wills it.

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