Target: Beric Ashenfell

Hiring mercs and bounty hunters on the European Avalon server

Posts: 3
Joined: 13 Jul 2017, 00:05

Target: Beric Ashenfell

Post by Ronan » 15 Jan 2018, 03:00

Hi, I want someone killed. I will pay one vostaskus steel ingot and five gold coins for his head. (Must also include a video of the kill, and a screenshot of the grave)

He is known as Beric Ashenfell, also sometimes known as Swaggings.

He raids innocent crafters, killing multiple at a time with a single blow of his sword. He causes havoc, refusing to craft or terraform, only to kill the weak and unarmed.

Be warned: he will be armed and dangerous.

He lives in the area known as "Server 13", with a group named Ashenfell. He is often spotted roaming the lands he owns to the East, around the claims of the Bulwark Coalition. He is truly an evil menace.


Here is an image of the target. Be safe.

Contact me via Discord when you have the head.

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