got this idea from the games shards ans i think it would be a good solution for the yo game .
im more a fan of an mmo game bucause

- it take long time to develop a character and the server get empty you get demotivated.
-official servers with the same ruleset (full loot pvp or pve only) should get a shipman npc where you can travel to different servers with your skilled char. so if your medium populated server is empty sometimes , you can go in a more populated server to fight and play there

but anyways im more a fan of the mmo , cant wait when combat get better !!
Comments (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, June 19 2015, 11:40 PM - #Permalink
    +1 I may not be on the official servers, but I think this would definitely help consolidate the playerbase.
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