Additional Store Content and Sales

I appreciate the additional content and skins in the premium store, gives an opportunity to have some additional items and support the game development, while hopefully allowing the game itself to keep the cost down :)

I know all of that graphic design and 3D modeling takes time, but it would be great to see some new items and skins hit the store soon. Particularly in the weapon skin area, it would be great to see some variety available in the one handed weapon and bow department.

Also your Christmas sale got me to spend money, nothing like seeing a limited time savings to make you decide it's time to finally get that cool skin you've been eyeing up... Please continue offering some specials or combos to help us be able to support you but at the same time not go broke in the process, haha

Particularly in the individual items and outfits catagories, it'd be great to have some more basic clothing, hats and boots and have them occasionally on sale so we dont have to spend $15-20 to get a simple shirt or hat, but can support the development affordably while adding variety to the look of the different characters we meet in game.
Comments (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, January 12 2018, 07:38 AM - #Permalink
    +1 for bow/crossbow skins.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, January 13 2018, 05:24 PM - #Permalink
    I would like to purchase some skins but can't use most of them because of restrictions put on them. If you want more money from the skin store lower the price and make more items usable without the restrictions of what you need to be wearing to use them. Extra XP clothing would also be nice to go along with the power hour boost for crafting professions.
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