I'd like to see building fires and crafting fire tools to be more immersive and realistic in a survival game. With a minigame to start fire. To make a bowdrill set, you have to find a softwood tree. Carve a spindle and hearth board, find cordage which is another thing I'd like to see implemented into the game. Cordage should be found in plant fiber, inner bark on trees, willow branches. Please bring back the willow tree like another guy said. Kind of like the minigame with the saw you use a bowdrill to start fire by going back and forth while aiming. Have this mingame be harder than using a pump drill, but making finding the tools to make a pump drill harder than finding tools for a bowdrill set. Make the pump drill last quite longer. Then after a while if you build your fire skills you can use a hand drill, then a mag/steel firestarter if you find some magnesium. I just think making fire for keeping warm and for cooking and giving light at night should feel more immersive in survival games.