IRON SLOTS for buildings

Please make it a bit more easy for buildings with slots.. Why do they need 'steel' slots ??
it will be more realistic (special in the game-time-setting) to use IRON SLOTS.
and that will make it a lot easier to finish a building, now you need lots and lots of flux (and very boring time use) to make steel and steel slots before you can finish all the buildings that need slots.
So make it possible to use also IRON SLOTS for finishing buildings and not only slots of steel.
BIG THANKS if that comes ingame :P

Accepted Answer

Thursday, April 09 2015, 10:56 AM - #Permalink
You're talking about locks, right?

personally, I would not change the locks, but rather the availability of flux,
e.g. by increasing the amount of herb quantity gathered by plant (random result 1-3 instead of 1)
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Comments (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, April 09 2015, 05:15 PM - #Permalink
    Yes "Yohor" thats what i mean; IRON LOCKS ! (excuses for using the wrong ingame-word here ;-)
    And i totaly agree with your suggestion. Making 'flux' more available will have more or less the same result.

    Special for players that like to play more 'single play' it's to hard to get flux and making steel!
    it takes days (and hours of game play) just to make one steel-lock, and as we know, we need 2 or 4 just to finish one building.
    And that becomes boring and even anoying when you play single player and try to make a complete village..
    result: lots of buildings.. almost finished..
    So me and lot of others are waiting for a solution, be it more flux or iron locks, defs do something about it pls.
    if not ingame, then we hope there will be a nice person that make a Mod for it ;-)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 30 2020, 12:56 PM - #Permalink
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