Stock Controller / Mover

Would be nice to have an additional worker position for stock controller. This worker would move items from one wharehouse to another either automatically or has selected by the player. Essentially creating a need for specific items in a wharehouse.

For example, your bakeries are located a distance away from where the raw materials are made. Instead of the baker having to walk all that way to get the raw materials, a need is created at the nearest wharehouse, and then the stock controller will move the relevant raw materials to that wharehouse.
Comments (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, October 08 2016, 09:06 AM - #Permalink
    Just to add onto it, stock movers will use carts so they can carry high quanitities of multiple items.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, October 10 2016, 04:31 PM - #Permalink
    They are working on something like this. A stable caravan or something. It slipped into one of the patches a while back, though aside from being a structure you could build and upgrade didn't nothing. It was patched out within the hour.

    But yeah, they are basically working on this idea right now.
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