Random Minor Events feature
While performing abilities, there will be a rare chance (0.1-2%) of a random event occurring; a message window will pop up, explaining what has happened, which may affect you in minor ways - or there may be no effects at all.
Events might be specifically for certain abilities (snapped line of a fishing pole) or they might be inspecific and will have a chance to occur with any ability (Your hips are on fire! and you start dancing). It can be a joke that has suddenly come up, an ability-related event, or some kind of philosophical thought that came up in your avatar’s head. The more creative your are, the bigger chance that your suggestion will end up being implemented in our game!
Keep in mind these rules while creating event messages:
Avoid references to real life history nations, places, persons
Avoid language specific jokes based on the similarities of words. We are going to translate those messages on 8 languages and your joke may not be that funny on all of them
For random events WITHOUT a designated ability, keep in mind that they can occur almost at ANY time
Try to be relatively short and avoid anything too extensive about what has recently happened with your avatar
Observe previous events before suggesting your own - chances are that your idea for an event was suggested by someone else already.
Think outside the box and be creative!
Now you are ready to follow that link and unleash your creativity!
Featured Suggestions