Cold/Hot and illness

PG can feel cold or hot. When they are on mountains or when is windy pg can feel cold so they have to dress warm clothes.
Add Illness too, like fever, so the herbalist can make potion to cure the pg.
Sorry for my bed english!:p
Comments (18)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, April 10 2015, 08:52 AM - #Permalink
    Ikki75 wrote:

    PG can feel cold or hot. When they are on mountains or when is windy pg can feel cold so they have to dress warm clothes.
    Add Illness too, like fever, so the herbalist can make potion to cure the pg.
    Sorry for my bed english!:p
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, April 10 2015, 08:53 AM - #Permalink
    This is very very great idea and realistic. Wow!!! My compliments. :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, April 11 2015, 08:12 PM - #Permalink
    Cool idea. It also gives sense to clothes that are not armor.
    I would life a fair variety of diseases with debuffs like lower stamina or your camera shaking every time you sneeze.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 12 2015, 10:07 AM - #Permalink
    As a friend from immersion i would love something like realistic needs & deseases.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 12 2015, 04:05 PM - #Permalink
    Yesss. In addition to knoedelbrot's idea of the thirst bar it would increase the survival character of this game and the cooperation among the players. You are sick? - Go to the herbalist. It's windy and cold? - Visit the tailor.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, May 13 2015, 05:14 PM - #Permalink
    This is an excellent idea, it would help make both the Herbalist/Alchemist and the Cook/Tailor more relevant. Illnesses could be Viral or Bacterial. Viral related illness would occur because of poor warmth (due to poor choice of clothing in cold/inclement weather, etc), or/and poor diet. The answer to this kind of illness is the right clothes and a good diet (mix of foods, not just apples and fried beast). Bacterial illness could come as a result of wounds poorly treated (making a Healer more relevant), or prolonged exposure to certain environments (swamps, carcasses). Getting the right potion for your bacterial related illness would fix you up.

    The effects of the illness would be unwanted but not render the game unplayable. Slowing the toon down, having the screen shake as mentioned above, random cutting off of present activity.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, May 18 2015, 02:28 PM - #Permalink
    i posted the same idea a page earlier

    I agree !
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, May 20 2015, 02:58 PM - #Permalink
    Only as a option please. I do not want anymore micro managing.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, June 10 2015, 12:19 PM - #Permalink
    Illness like plague would be great ! :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, June 10 2015, 02:34 PM - #Permalink
    Hi, I agree! Very nice idea! :D

    I posted the same in the Suggestion-Forum:

    Additional Body-Stats:

    - Body-Temperature
    (you can get cold, when you get in snowy or icy areas, or in the night it's colder outside than by day so you need warmer clothes and so on)

    - Thirsty-Stats
    (you have to drink regularly to avoid dehydration)

    - Sickness / Poisoning
    (you can get sick for example eating uncooked meat)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, June 20 2015, 04:01 AM - #Permalink
    I like this idea but it here is how I see disease:

    1. Players should be able to spread the illness. This would add a dimension to warfare.

    2. Animals can also get diseases. This means that animals could be lost to sickness just like in real life. Regular treatment could be needed to keep them healthy. Or, the enemy could strategically place a sick animal near a town in the hopes of infecting a towns food supply.

    3. Have the disease be always changing. By this I mean that what it takes to cure them will always change. This makes herbalism much more relevant than it is now. Other than flux and naptha, herbalism is grinding and useless. This would greatly increase the importance of being able to mix new potions quickly.

    4. Have the first aid ability increase to also allow the identification of sicknesses. The more severe the sickness, the greater the skill level needed. They can also identify if someone is sick in general as to hopefully prevent sickness from getting in the town.

    5. Taking the cure makes you immune from that disease from a given period of time. That way you can quarantine people and find the cure and not have the disease spread due to the herbalist/doctor.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, July 08 2015, 01:41 PM - #Permalink
    Absolutely yes! Great idea and will indeed make the manufacturing and usage of clothes much more important. Voted yes!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, August 05 2015, 11:38 PM - #Permalink
    Perhaps there are more serious things to do than what you suggested.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, April 22 2016, 12:41 PM - #Permalink

    I dont know about illness in this game or will that suggestion be implemented.
    But there should be at least some consequences for running around naked in winter so clothes are requirement.
    Winter should be a season where fighting usually stops AND people are dependable on the resources, like food that they collected seasons before. Building campfires should be a requirement.

    Perhaps there are more serious things to do than what you suggested.

    There are, but they can be implemented (like ships) later. He is not saying that devs should do this like this instant. :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 27 2016, 07:57 AM - #Permalink
    I would really love it. I mean now we have 4 seasons but you can still run around naked during rain or in snowy winter without consequences... Kills immersion for me. We really need a system like that. Also it would add more importance to fire / lamps, where you can warm yourself up. So even with warm clothes, if you walk through the winter for too long, you will need to take a break, light a fire and get warm again, at some point.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, May 16 2016, 12:50 PM - #Permalink
    Пожалуйста, пожалуйста, сделайте это!!!:)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 18 2016, 12:26 PM - #Permalink
    Philippus wrote:

    Feel the will may add items to the list, make a criticize and comment.

    There are some suggestions to increase the realism, give more meaning for some skills, items and techniques in the game.

    - Cold and heat, need for appropriate clothing for the weather.

    - Diseases, infections, fractures, contusions, contamination, etc. Need for drugs and treatments.

    For example, get soaked rain could generate a cold, which if left untreated, can reduce the total capacity of life in the status bar.

    - Thirst, need for clean water. A status bar?

    - Happiness. A status bar?

    For example, need to have a beer or wine, rest, make a great meal.

    - Sleep, Need to sleep in a bed or sleeping bag. It need not be all night, just a short time to recover.

    Sleep would not have a status bar, such as hunger. Only they would be felt to its effects, which would leave the tired character. For example, a character with a light sleep would have its total energy decreased by 10% and receive messages about it. (light sleep -10% 1 days without sleep), (medium sleep -20% 2 days without sleep), (strong sleep -30% 3 or more days without sleep)

    - Food should be perishable and must deteriorate over time, making his consumption dangerous and finally impossible. Food conservation methods, cooking, jams, preserves, salt, etc.

    - Animal traction to the carts

    Sorry for my bad english and if I'm being repetitive...

    Let us all remember: Life is feudal. :D

    Thanks for listening
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 18 2016, 12:33 PM - #Permalink
    knoedelbrot wrote:

    I guess not everybody fells the same, but i think it is too easy to survive in this game. You just have to find an high quality apple tree and your food production is safe. There is no need for shelter, clothes, drinks, sleep and hygiene.
    There are alreaddy some requests, which would make ingame life a little bit harder, but would be great in combination.
    I will also give a link to each single request, so you can vote vote there too, if you like the idea.


    - Body temperature and sickness should affect your health (here)
    If exposed to rain or snow your bodytemperature should drop and the character should die if the temperature drops to low. THerefore it would be neccessary to have a shelter for the night and cold days as well as warm clothes.

    - Thirst should be an issue as well and water should not be too easy to gather and transport (here and here)
    You allways differentiate between hunger and thirst, so why not do the same ingame?

    - Food should not be indefinatly storable (here)
    This would make it even harder to get through winter or to plan a siege or stay alive when sieged.

    - Sleep or Resting should be improved (here)
    The soft stamina system is ok at the moment but it would be nice if there where other ways to rest instead of just sitting on the ground.


    - Personal hygiene should affect your health as well (new idea)
    A change of clothes and a warm bath now and then should do the trick, otherwise you could get sick more easily or attract agressive animals.
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