Stat cap reflect in the shape of your body

I think that it will be very cool and also realistic that how you distribute your skill point affects the shape of your body, for example if you put a lot of points in constitution your character would be bigger (bigger hitbox to) because is not the same to fight a guy with 105 or 150 of hp and is not the same to hit someone that is 1,70m or to hit someone who is 2m tall. Other example is that if you skill up your agility you could be more thiner (smaller hit box ) so people with a lot of agility will bi harder to hit, and because they are thiner it makes sense that they move faster. With streng your character could have bigger mussles or more visible just for a visual coolness.
This changes will make the skill sistem more realistic and maybe more balance.
I am not a developer but i think it will no be very hard to do it and it will be a cool feature that can make some cool publicity and money

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