Hey everyone,
We are really sorry, but we must confess, that during our rush to start the first run of Closed Beta Tests we forgot to change a shuffled underground resources map. That means, that since the start till now it was impossible to find any resources higher that a quality level of 10 or any underground ore at all. In this patch we will fix that issue and will bring resources back to their proper locations.
Good news is, that we have supposedly fixed a connection issue, when the client hangs on initialization and some server side crashes. If you have modified our client we strongly suggest you to revert those modifications now. (Launcher -> Repair).
We also fixed a guild standings bug with Kingdoms -> Vassals standings. Guild leaders will need to reset those alliances once more.
The Guild monument city claim radius is doubled now (as it originally should be).
We expect that server downtime should not take longer than 1 hour, hopefully less.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
- The team