+1 Liked a discussion, I want to be able to place lamps or torches on the side of castle walls and buildings.
+1 Liked a discussion, See animals in Stable/Barn
+1 Liked a discussion, Musical Instruments
+1 Liked a discussion, A way to take over other factions.
+1 Liked a discussion, Wall fixed torch, Complete Reskin for armors, better personalization for objects and factions (like tunics or coats of arms flags) and rework for the clothing sistem
+1 Liked a discussion, Enhance Religion
+1 Liked a discussion, Create a Guild Emblem and make Surcoats and Banners
+1 Liked a discussion, Sitting in Chairs, Ducking
+1 Liked a discussion, Split the map in north/south/est/ouest with diferent crops/sprout/minerals
+1 Liked a discussion, Heraldic Badges
+1 Liked a discussion, animals to pull carts
+1 Liked a reply from the discussion Re: Several weather states and the four seasons
+1 Liked a discussion, Several weather states and the four seasons