In general, regular warhorses can be trained to become couriers, but it may require some additional training and conditioning.
Couriers need to be fast, agile, and able to cover long distances without getting tired. Regular warhorses may be strong and have endurance, but they may not have the speed or agility required for courier duties.
To train a regular warhorse to become a courier
Lacak Resi JnT Cargo , you can start by working on their speed and agility. This may involve exercises such as trotting, cantering, and galloping, as well as practicing turns, stops, and jumps.
You can also work on their stamina and endurance by gradually increasing the distance and duration of their training rides.
Additionally, it may be helpful to expose the horse to different environments and stimuli to help them develop confidence and adaptability. This could include training in different terrains, weather conditions, and around various distractions.