Persistent family ties; no incest

I'd like to see villagers form persistent couples/families/households, not shuffle around every time someone changes their workplace. I get the logistics argument behind that, but it is just not realistic.

Also, please introduce *some* notion of family. Far as I know, mothers + sons having children together is regarded as creepy in every human society, ever.
Comments (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, December 31 2016, 04:16 AM - #Permalink
    From what I can see there really is no 'marriage' or 'mate' concept. A woman in the village can technically become pregnant just because there are other men in the village. It doesn't mean she was impregnated by the ones in her home.

    Seen this consistently with entire households of only females still producing children. You could think of it as them reproducing asexually also. Immaculate conception ftw. lol.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, January 02 2017, 02:55 AM - #Permalink
    Technically, women in this game become pregnant simply because they are women. Men don't even enter the picture. But the game depicts lives of humans, not of amoebas =P .. so the most common assumption will be that adults live with those they are most closely related to, i.e. spouses/family.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, May 28 2024, 08:13 AM - #Permalink
    Many games of the endless genre are waiting for you to explore, typically tunnel rush, exploring endless space and obstacles on the way.
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