Half-handed combos for GM only ?

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Half-handed combos for GM only ?

Post by TracynKyrayc » 13 Jul 2016, 20:28

Hi everyone, I've done a bit of research a few weeks ago about half-handed swords. Turned out that it was impossible to do any kind of combo with those.

But today, I tried some weapons in solo and amongst them were half-handed swords. And I was able to perform one-handed combos with a shield in the left hand, and two-handed combos with only the sword. I tried again in multiplayer and I couldn't do it.

So, I tried deactivating the GM mode in solo and bingo, I couldn't do it anymore. So I thought "hey, GMs can do any kind of combo with any kind of weapon, m'kay" but when I tried to do chivalry combos, nothing happened.

So what's the deal with half-handed swords ? Is it normal that we can't perform combos with these ? Is it a GM-only feature (why would it be ?). Is it a bug ? Gotta say I'm quite lost here, anyone knows about it please ?

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Re: Half-handed combos for GM only ?

Post by Alakar » 13 Jul 2016, 21:23

While in GM Mode certain checks are ignored. For instance you can open a door while in GM mode while carrying an object, and you can lift an object while on horseback. So its likely the check for weapons is being ignored too when performing combos.


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Joined: 13 Jul 2016, 20:26

Re: Half-handed combos for GM only ?

Post by TracynKyrayc » 13 Jul 2016, 21:30

Yep, a friend told me that you needed 50 in strength and 50 in agility to perform combos with half-handed swords. But I tried that and it didn't work, and the wiki doesn't say anything about it.

Aaaand, I just noticed that I posted this topic in the wrong section, while browsing it, my bad :oops:

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