[MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

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[MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Arrakis » 17 Nov 2017, 05:09

Life is Feudal: MMO

Dear, Feudalists!

   We are very sorry, but we had to bring running servers down and wipe them. The reason for that is that a random bug that occurred during the transfer of some characters from newbie island on the Abella has caused them to have a GM powers during the game session. Some players have used it to their advantage and damage was beyond the repair once we’ve detected it.
   Right now we’ve brought servers down and we’re wiping them. Even though that newbie islands were not affected by this bug, due to the player’s request we’re going to wipe them as well.
   Estimated postpone of all release schedule - 12 hours. That means that we’re going to postpone all the following founder packs access waves and OBT itself for 12 hours. All founder’s packs owners will get their promised 24-12-6 hours of the head start.
   Guilds with their guild names and guild tags, unfortunately, will be wiped and will have to be recreated once we bring servers up again. But the good news is that your characters’ nicknames will be saved. Characters from the mainland will be transferred back to the newbie islands with all their skills, stats and customization settings returned to the default values leaving only first names intact. We HIGHLY recommend you to recreate those characters with the customization and starting skills that you want.
   Naturally, we’re going to compensate all spent tickets to Abella and tool packs that were consumed during those 4 hours of gameplay. Premium skins and other non-consumable items should remain intact in your account premium inventory. We also want to provide all Zealous pack owners and alpha test users with an extra 1 month of a Premium subscription and additional 18000 God’s Favor as a compensation for the lost time and frustration that we have caused.
   We know that many of you took a day off or even a vacation to get the maximum of Life is Feudal: MMO experience. We are, and I am personally, very sorry for the inconvenience we’ve caused by letting this bug to slip our radars and the wipe that we had to do because of it.

Thank you, for understanding!

P.S. Underground resources will not be shuffled.

— Vladimir “Bobik” Piskunov

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by STOGGYRETURNS » 17 Nov 2017, 05:19

Why not compensate us all? The game was to start at 4 pm for me now it is 4 am so I'm losing at least 6 hours of launch time while I sleep. I only backed the game with a LIF:YO purchase 3 to 4 years ago. Does ruining my planned day tomorrow and others like me amount to nothing? Especially considering how long we have been hanging in there with you waiting for this day.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by GhostMan » 17 Nov 2017, 05:46

Thank you for the info

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Aaron_milner » 17 Nov 2017, 05:50

so what sort of time are we talking about here?

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Jairone » 17 Nov 2017, 06:04

STOGGYRETURNS wrote:Why not compensate us all? The game was to start at 4 pm for me now it is 4 am so I'm losing at least 6 hours of launch time while I sleep. I only backed the game with a LIF:YO purchase 3 to 4 years ago. Does ruining my planned day tomorrow and others like me amount to nothing? Especially considering how long we have been hanging in there with you waiting for this day.

^This. It's a terrible idea from a customer service perspective to give the Zealous players such a large compensation, and everyone else nothing. A terrible idea that will leave a very bad taste in many player's mouths. It's the kind of customer service move that gets you a bad reputation.

I personally don't really care about compensation, excepting that such a large amount is being given to the Zealous players. Just doesn't sit right there, at all. It was thoughtlessly done. Everyone waiting is losing time. Yes, Zealous had the hours of play... that's a frustrating thing and I do think they should get more than anyone else if compensation is being given.

But seriously, that much? And nothing to anyone else? Really?

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by DrakeHawkins » 17 Nov 2017, 07:17

Please BitBox, if there is ANY way to track down the players who used these powers and did not report them PLEASE for the sake of the entire community Ban these players for life and retract all accounts with no refund. THIS IS DISGUSTING behavior and clear indication they can NOT be trusted and have made clear breaches in the EULA.

Perhaps some would think this harsh but there has to be a ZERO tolerance for theft and cheating and there is very few things that could have been calculated to produce a nastier blot on the reputation and public image of the game and company.

IF they are not found and punished then the statement is clear. Cheat and you will get bonus free stuff, bonus months of play time and as much extra time to experience the game ahead of the other honest people waiting (who also likely planned days and such off to play when their turns came which is now wrecked) and you will slip by being asked to find more ways to cheat in the future.

Please Let us know as a community what you will do about this vile cheaters.

Drake Hawkins (and the other thousands who wanted to say this as well)

PS. If you read this and agree something should be done to remove the guilty parties please reply and rate this up so BitBox Knows to take it seriously!

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Elvric » 17 Nov 2017, 07:17

I think that everybody should have a compensation, the compensation is far too strong for Zealous or alpha.
Being a alpha tester I understand the problem and I accept the fact that the game is moved for all but actually many player set one day of vacation or else to be able to play as soon as he could connect, a compensation would be good for all or not compensation for all.

I know, there's no MMO that went out without a problemes.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Travisness33 » 17 Nov 2017, 07:21

so when can we expect the game to be playable to play

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Dorf_2003 » 17 Nov 2017, 07:22

why dont you ban the account taking advantage of this glitch? :) After all they had to know something was wrong, and then deglected to report it... and is the reason, all have to wait for 12 hours more until game launch.

All hail the cheaters.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Zelos » 17 Nov 2017, 07:37

I actually took a day off as well. Silver pack start is today (friday) 10 am for me, so i took the day off to play which isn't possible anymore.

I completely understand that it still is a beta and bugs were to be expected, and i further understand that zealous and alpha testers should get significantly more, but if you compensate any players at all, please give everybody at least something. we all prepared for this moment, we all scheduled our calenders, so if you decide to compensate, please do for all of us.

And yes, i agree with the previous posters, if there is any way to find the cheaters, ban them for life, nobody needs them.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Protschak » 17 Nov 2017, 07:41

I understand the new Start is in 1h20m?

i agree with the other compensation for all or nobody

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Leni-leni » 17 Nov 2017, 07:50

I can only agree with most players about banning the cheaters.

I didn't buy the gold for some reasons but the biggest reason was that I had already expected problems because every game has them at launch. It's okay that the Gold packs keep their 24 hour advantage but why compensate them twice? Compensate them and keep the timetable or extend the timetable and compensate us all.

I'm not saying the Silver,Bronze and your own owners wouldn't have cheated if they had a chance, but clearly some Gold membership owners have cheated and the rest is being ####### :cry:

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Cappy » 17 Nov 2017, 07:55

So the bug was exploited by players already playing. They are the ones getting the huge "compensation". So yeah exploit, get caught and receive huge compensations. I like this, where can I sign up?

Common guys, think, the community is not that stupid !!!!!

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by sirsancho » 17 Nov 2017, 09:13

Thanks for the info.

Rey de reyes!


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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Excel » 17 Nov 2017, 09:23

Buenos días( aquí en España son las 10:00 de la mañana....)
Hablo como cliente no solo indignado por lo sucedido sino como jugador mal humorado por la falta de compañerismo ante aquellos tramposos que han demostrado no merecer estar en este proyecto tan bonito de crear un juego como este.
Lo primero comunicaros mi total indignación por esta cambio de ultima hora, en mi caso, he movilizado a mis empleados y pedido favores a mi socio para librar el día de hoy y poder exprimir este juego,un juego donde he invertido muchísimo tiempo para organizar un clan que ha ido creciendo de 0 y ahora somos una cantidad considerable vamos para los 50..., que para ello con el apoyo de mas gente esta siendo posible seguir creciendo y dar vida a este juego... esta decisión es increíblemente bochornosa e inaceptable 1 DÍA DE TRABAJO + 1 DÍA QUE LE DEBO A MI SOCIO....
Lo segundo, es de entender que como mínimo tomareis represalias contra los causantes de este mal estar en vuestros clientes LIFE y aquellos responsables de haber causado estas molestias sean inmediatamente expulsados del juego INDEPENDIENTEMENTE QUIENES SEAN ,esa gente no encaja en este proyecto por no recordad que os han obligado a retrasar ni mas ni menos que la salida de este juego....
Por ultimo y no menos importante,(lamento introducirlo en este mensaje pero creo que mi enfado es tan grande que necesito desahogarme y ya esto fue la gota que colmo el vaso!) quiero expresar mi rechazo a lo apartado que siento que se nos tiene A LA COMUNIDAD ESPAÑOLA cuando soy testigo del apoyo que se os esta dando de manera tajante en este proyecto,(contando la BETA CERRADA) desde el día que reporte errores para que los solucionaras y vuestra respuesta fue; " traducenos tu mensaje por favor..." :(),estoy totalmente indignado de ver esa falta de profesionalidad ante unos clientes cuyo apoyo me parece que han sido y siguen siendo vitales para este juego por parte de los desarrolladores....
Por ello pido con todo el respeto del mundo que se nos comience a tener mas en cuenta,como mínimo,
- Que nos permitáis mandaros estos mensajes en Español sin tener que traducirlos o sin tener la incertidumbre si los leeréis o no...
- Que tengáis en cuenta nuestras fechas con sus festivos,navidad etc
-Que de vez en cuando podáis compartir en vuestras paginas Artículos traducidos al Español y mostrar que no se nos olvida...
-Tenéis clanes muy orgnaizados y muy competentes (LA ORDEN ,LOS CUERVOS Y OJALA QUE EN UN FUTURO NO LEJANO LOS ERRANTES ;) que pueden ser protagonistas de entrevistas,vídeos etc igual que hacéis con los demás...
Como propietario de varias empresas os aseguro que es la regla numero 1 la adaptación de tus clientes..... es de entender que en un juego donde una comunidad esta aportándote tanto haya un mínimo de entendimiento ante ellos....
(lamento mucho tener que expresar esto en estos momentos,pero ya digo....son las 10 de la maña,acabo de despertarme,he leído mensajes de mi clan indignadísimos por que se han despertado como yo con el entusiasmo de empezar lo que hemos preparado en reuniones de discord,al igual que yo han cogido fiesta en el trabajo ...también he escuchado audios de mas jugadores de clanes muy grandes del life del gremio español comunicándome su indignación y viendo la desilusión y mal estar que les había causado esto pues habían estado toda la noche jugando y ahora se iban al trabajo sin dormir y sabiendo que no ha servido para nada....)
Esto es algo terrible.... Nose....creo que dejara huella en el LIFE IS FEUDAL.
Seguiréis contando con mi presencia en el juego,pero saber que voy a ser una pesadilla y un dolor de muelas luchando para que se nos haga caso a LA COMUNIDAD ESPAÑOLA,seguiré uniendo gente HISPANA y seguiremos participando lo mas activos posible en este proyecto pero luchare por ganarnos un poco de vuestra atención ;)



si quieres llegar rapido camina solo si quieres llegar lejos camina acompañado

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Neverlamer7 » 17 Nov 2017, 09:27

Бобик, фамилию смени на "Звездунов"

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by shadyme » 17 Nov 2017, 09:28

So i just got up early for nothing on my day of. + my headstart is gone start tonight at 21u when i got prior engagement & then im gone go to bed like a normal person. So when i get up next morning my headstart will be over... great way to spend my headstart thanks :shock:
& yes i understand its beta & it was necessairy to handle this. But plz realise that not only zealous believers are affected by this. Im glad i payed my pack with paypall, if i dont see a satisfactory resolve of this situation i can Always just get a refund trough them, the only game i had to go to that is archeage & believe me i got back every penny.

Last edited by shadyme on 17 Nov 2017, 09:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Fuelinjectedsoul » 17 Nov 2017, 09:34

Ripped off! everybody should get compensation, but don't worry i will remember to tell everyone how you decided resolve this. ill remember when it comes to that steam review, thanks

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Chairman » 17 Nov 2017, 09:44

Would indeed be good if the responsible people got permanently barred from playing the game as well as compensating us other people who have other packages?

I was planning for the release at 3 in the afternoon, now i have to stay up till 3 in the morning? That is now completely wasted. Where is our compensation? Seems only the people who exploited got rewarded. How nice.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Wonderbear » 17 Nov 2017, 09:49

While understanding the need to postpone and wipe, the compensation to Zealous players feels out of place.

A group of players destroys the game, and the same group gets rewarded with premium for a month.

No-one should get that or all tiers of players should, it's not the Zealous backers whom have had their play time offset. It's players from all branches.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Varkoog » 17 Nov 2017, 09:50

"We also want to provide all Zealous pack owners and alpha test users with an extra 1 month of a Premium subscription and additional 18000 God’s Favor"

Seriously... It's them that caused this :shock:

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by MesoClan » 17 Nov 2017, 09:53

Bronze pack start is today (friday) 4 pm for me, so i took the day off to play which isn't possible anymore. New time 4 am for me, so what is my compensation?

I completely understand that it still is a beta and bugs were to be expected, and i further understand that zealous and alpha testers should get a significant compensation, but they are also the once that did the cheating.

If you compensate any players at all, give everybody at least something since we are the believers of this game!

We all prepared for this moment, we all scheduled our calenders, so if you decide to compensate, do it for all of us!

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Prnz » 17 Nov 2017, 10:09

Danke für die Info!

Ich sehe das genauso... Alle entschädigen oder gar Keiner! Nicht nur Die, die es verbockt haben...

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Neugdae » 17 Nov 2017, 10:11

Life is feudal indeed. ;)

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Desmas » 17 Nov 2017, 10:19

Lucky for me, release originally would been for me 23.00, now its next day at 11.00 and The Punisher just came out on Netflix

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Mrwollin » 17 Nov 2017, 10:21

Yeah, this is off to a real smooth start. Anyone who bought on steam got shit on with the closed beta, and now just shit on the whole community equally but reward the zealous because some of them caused this. Way to win minds and hearts, I know I for one dislike this company already

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Emiliogdallochio » 17 Nov 2017, 11:01

estoy un poco molesto ya que compre el pack de True Beliver por las 6 hs, en la noche tengo que viajar y queria jugarlo un rato...

estoy triste que el equipo de decepcionara de tal forma.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Vollmond » 17 Nov 2017, 11:35

Brazil here. Took day off to play. Now, lost..and yes, 12h postponement is too late for me.
I understand Zealous should have something, they played and lost time. But we should have too, even half GF and Premium Time, we lost time too.

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by BadGena » 17 Nov 2017, 11:41

All things considered, when would steam YO players be able to play - in GMT please

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Re: [MMO] Message to players about wipe and release schedule postpone

Post by Robedelmal » 17 Nov 2017, 11:47



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