Republic of Glendor history(will rise again)

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Alpha Tester
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Republic of Glendor history(will rise again)

Post by LordWiese » 01 Oct 2011, 21:59

Glendor vol 1 Note, I am Arethorn in the story, it was a RP clan for the most part
(only section not written by rostam)
“Glendor has not always been as it is today. Not so long ago the Senate was nothing more then an idea tossed around only in private. You see, Glendor was originally founded by two brother kings, Arethorn and Joakin. The early days of the capitol city were grand under the rule of the kings, everyone had a place to call home and plenty of supplies were in the warehouse to go around.
Everything changed one day, very early on. A meeting was called by the brother kings, it was to be held in the bastion of the capitol city. King Joakin made numerous demands of his people at the meeting, enforcing ridiculous clothing laws, increasing zoning regulations leaving commoners incapable of placing any item legally, and making all women in the Republic his personal servants. King Arethorn along with the five members that were present begged for King Joakin to revoke his ridiculous demands but he refused.
Immediately afterwards plans to overthrow the king started being developed. A band of brave adventurers led by the noblemen Lakota set off to build a new city away from the tyracy of the evil brother king Joakin. News eventually reached the capitol and King Joakin became enraged. Immediately he set sail to destroy what was now known as “Howling Cove” on Southern Vynn.
King Arethorn had known about the building of Howling Cove and Lakotas band of runaways, and had supported the people all along. He kept the news silent to his brother, and when Joakin found out acted surprised. He departed with his evil brother for Howling Cove without ever mentioning his ties.
When the brother kings reached the new city Joakin demanded that his soldiers destroy everything in it, buildings and people included. As the soldiers were assembling King Arethorn unsheathed his sword and pointed at his brother, “You shall not have innocent Glendorians slain!’ As Joakin reached for his dagger Arethorn made one quick slash across his throat, leaving his own brother slain on the shore.
After this event the people of Howling Cove, and in the Glendor capitol, decided that there will never be a Monarch of their republic from this point fourth. They decided to construct a senate of five, who would be elected by the people. Arethorn willingly stepped down from the throne, and in turn for his loyalty to the people was given a chance to run for the senate.
The first senate was sworn in on the beach at Howling Cove and has taken council in the Capitol ever since. They were very bloody times back then, and as such are seldom talked about today. But your history is an important thing to remember, otherwise it is likely to repeat.”

Glendor vol 2

As the idea of a senate was brought about to rule Glendor the Dark Kindom sent a messenger saying that the ruler of Glendor must come to dicuss a treaty that they were to offer, and the alternative was WAR!

As there was no leader at the time and the Dark Kingdom would not wait a young and not quite so tactful Diplomat arose from the ranks of the many, he was called Rostam.

After the perilous journey to the Dark Kingdom, Rostam was introduced to the Dark Kingdoms ruler Moria, whom he then realized he had fought, and won, in the past.

During the discussions over the treaty, Moria brought up their past as foes and said that she was insulted Rostam was the best they could send. After insulting Rostam continual, Moria walked away saying that if he was the best they could do then they were at war. In full agreement Rostam exited saying `Then we are in agreement i shall personnally kill you on the battlefield`.

after Rostam returned and Glendor was informed of the horrible events he had set in motion a young hero-heroine rose from the masses and journeyed to the Dark Kingdom to set everything straight.

When Valuria, Glendors hero-heroine, returned to Glendor the following day she arrived victorious! having created a treaty which kept the kingdoms from war.

With the senate not yet created this treaty was the best thing Glendor could have joped for and the name Valuria would be forever remembered in history….

Glendor vol 3


After the confrontation with the Dark Kingdom the Republic of Glendor decided it needed strong leadership and needed it fast. As the senate was taking shape, Arethorn, the voluntarily deposed king, and his consort Mello came up with a plan to take back the power Arethorn had so easily gave up in the first place

Arethorn and Mello decided to secretly make a castle of there own, so they could stage an army and retake Glendor. However when Arethorn’s former vassal Lord Lakota found out all hell broke loose. Lakota and his allies supported the senate and the equality and justice it would bring to the Republic, so they needed a way to stop Arethorn’s plot before it succeded.

Lakota and his allies confronted Arethorn and Mello in an attempt to persuade them that they were at fault. However after the failed attempt, and the seeing how power hungry Arethorn had been driven due to the guilty of slaying his brother and his need to control others, Lakota and his allies came up with an idea.

Lakota and his allies realized that if Arethorn had no subjects to rule he would be stopped just as surely as if he was killed, so the migration began.

Lakota and all who folowed him travelled south to the fabled Ivory Island, where they intended to start anew. However due to constant conflict and the harsh reality that Ivory Island was not all the myths had said it was the Outcasts, as they had begun to call themselves travelled north, in the hope they could find peace there.

After an arduous search and many long nights without shelter and little food they had found a place to settle that was away from the corruption that coursed through the rest of the world. Far, far to the north the Outcasts had found a home, and they began to build anew.

And so ends the Cronicles of Glendor.

But the Cronicle of Ethos have just begun.

Ethos vol 1


In their settlement far, far to the north of the rest of civilization, the citizens of Ethos struggled to build their new home. Surrounded by nothing but a barren and inhospitable snowscape and many wild animals crazed with hunger the Republic of Ethos began to thrive.

After many longs days and nights out in the cold, the people of Ethos finally errected their Bastion. This Bastion would become a beacon of hope for the many people that would cme to live here.

Once the Bastion was built the citizens of Ethos met there to discuss the most important thing to them. Their Senate.

After many, many days, arguements and discussions they managed to hammer out how the senate would work….AND SO THE ELECTIONS BEGAN!!

Many people tried to become candidates for the senatorial race but in the end there were only 7 front runners, their names will all live for forever in the History of Ethos:


These seven people were by far the most popular and also they all seemed intelligent. When these seven candidates were selected the voting began.

For three days the elections ran, with the candidates giving fiery and passionate speeches, some favors being suspected, and many a drunken brawl starting over a disagreement in which five candidates were the most suitable to be senators.

As the dawn erupted from the tides of the ocean to the east on the morning of the fourth day it had all been decided.

The candidates that had been elected to power were:

Valuria – heroic diplomat of the Dark Kingdom Confrontation
Ninja – a respected fellow with a cowboy hat
Tiras – a strumpet
Thornwall – a steadfast and solid yet prickly fellow
Caper – well known and liked, our provider of urns

and so began th process of establishing the laws by which the Republic would run… but in the eyes of some the senate was there to be used for their own enrichment…..

Ethos vol 2


For awhile the senate moved along peacefully and no ill intentions could be seen in any of the senators, bringing everyone to believe that the decision to elect them was the correct one.

However, there were a few malcontents, as there are everywhere. One of the most vocal was Hefeisten. He preached to all that would listen about the corruptness in Senator Tiras and how she had used her feminine wiles to convince many voter. Sadly, since Hefeisten was one of the overlooked candidates, he was mainly ignored.

However as time passed and Senator Tiras’s proposals and demands became ever more personal, what had been obvious to Hefesten from the beginning was soon becoming obvious to all those around him.

Finally, one day Senator Tiras lashed out at the othe Senators, demanding that they center their debates around when an were she could talk and what she wanted to talk about.

As all the Senators told Tiras she was out of line she brought out her final threat. Tiras had a bastion squirrelled away, and her soldiers were presently occupying the Republic. Under the threat that this new bastion and the occupying placed upon Ethos, the senate obeyed her demands.

But, just as the Republic seemed it would topple permantently into destruction a group of heroes emerged…

These people were well known, one having nearly sent their people into a war before, another having been a spiritual guide, one a soldier of heaven and the fourth a goat herdsman.

As the heroes strode forth into the midst of Tyrant Tiras’s forces they were seen to leave all the fighting to the Soldier of Heaven and the Goat Herdsman, the two who were most obviously fighters of great reknown.

As the quartet broke into the senate building, the two fighters remained behind to guard their companions backs as they travelld into the Tyrants lair.

The failed diplomat acted only as a guide for his once spiritual leader, as he was quite familiar with the layout of the building.

Upon reaching the Tyrant, and seeing how far she had fallen,the companions simply looked on in silence.

“So…I see not all the poeple of Ethos are without the ability to defend themselves” the Tyrant spat out.

“We are of the people” the once prophet replied” and be represent their collective will to be free of you, and so you are banished”

and then a strange thing happened, for though the once prophet had been forsaken by his godess, she must have seen the Tyrant as a true abomination, for Aizra answered the once prophets call for the last time.

As a wind screeched and howled and theshadows darkened in the room a shriek pierced the air, and when all was calm, the Tyrant had vanished.

Upon walking out into the street, the diplomat and the prophet saw thir friends covered in gore and blood, but none of it was theirs, which was obvious once you took in the dozens of slain foes around them.

Though all was right again in the republic there was a void that could not be filled in the senate and until that happened none of the friends could rest in peace…..

However, from across the street in an alley a figure emerged, tall and brawny, with many gleeming tools about him.

“I have come for my rightful place, that which was denied me by the trickery of the Tyrant” spoke the figure.

“and so you shall have your place Hefeisten, smith of all Ethos” the diplomat declared, having for once used the right choice in words…

Ethos vol 3

The Slumber

After the Tyrant was cast down the Republic returned to its peaceful state of being. The damage to the Senate building was repaired, the building made even more beautiful because of the peoples new appreciation for the Senate. Also anew hall was built on the mountains above the senate. The Hall of Paragons. The Paragons were the new Panthenon emerging in Ethos, a Panthenon not of Gods but of Citizens worth emulating.

After the new constructs were built and roads connected them to everywhere else, the people returned to their normal lives.

A few weeks later, with the bakers baking, the smiths smithing and the farmers farming as they usually did, people began to fall over suddenly. When people went over to investigate they found that they had fallen asleep and could not wake up.

After a few hours the people that had gone near the Sleepers, began to succumb to an overwhelming urge to slumber.

By the end of the week panic had set in. Where was everyone? Why were the poeple that could be found impossible to wake up? and why did people that tried to help fall asleep too? it made the good natured people (aka all of Ethos) very suceptible to this affliction.

As the Diplomat looked around himself, all he could see were slumbering citizens. He walked through the town, not immune to the disease just cold hearted enough to be able to avoid trying to help the others, but not cold hearted enough to avoid the misery he felt at being alone.

As he wandered, the Diplomat met others that had not succumb to sleep. The Goatherder was one of these people, since he was isolated on his most of the time with his herd. They spent their time mourning their lost friends and hoping for them to get better.

After a few more weeks the Diplomat met someone else. The Diplomat had never seen him before, though this was not unexpected as Ethos was well popluated.

“Who are you, who can help the Slumbering without falling ill yourself?” the Diplomat demanded, as the person was indeed halong those who slept.

“I am Yith” replied the stranger.

“Well Yith, i am grateful to you, for helping those who i could not” the Diplomat said, being noticbly more diplomatic than he ever had been before.

“Well we should get around to rebuilding this place” Yith suggests as he gestures to the capitol of Ethos.

As Yith led the Diplomat and many others through the slumber, they ammassed huge amounts of resources, enough to remake the entire capitol into a new and beatiful vision of greatness…

Ethos vol 4 the stirring

As the citizens of Ethos found more people that had not fallen victim to The Slumber they began to congregate on the shore south of where their last town had been located. During The Slumber they had had ranged far and wide trying to find others that had been passed over during the madness and chaos, and though their numbers were nowhere near as large as they had been they were enough.

And so, with the last citizens of Ethos all gathered together, the people of Ethos did what they knew how to to the best, build a civilization from nothing.

With the idea and hope of a New Capitol for Ethos the citizens set themselves to the idea of working for days, weeks and months to achieve their goal. And work they did, toiling in the forests to cut down lumber, dodging wild animals in the mountains so they could quary stone and sitting for hour at a time to try and turn the useless raw materials into something that a dream could be built with.

As the months went by something resembling a town began to emerge. On the mountain face, the most westerly edge of the settlement, there rose a mighty keep, which would defend the inhabitants of Ethos for decades to come. Along the shoreline in the east houses sprung up to accomodate the citizens that remained. And to the south west, almost along the mountains but not quite, stood the ware house and the well, the beginnings of what would become a majestic town center.

And so, from ashes and dust the people of Ethos once again emerged and stood fast….


Alpha Tester
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Re: Republic of Glendor history(will rise again)

Post by LordWiese » 01 Oct 2011, 22:02

Sorry if this is all messed up, I went copy it off our website :evil:
Anyways, this all really went down, and I am Arethorn ingame..
If you are wondering what game, it was in dawntide(sandbox mmo in beta) its ok, was fun because it let us build stuff and RP, but this game looks like it will be 100 times better :lol:

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Re: Republic of Glendor history(will rise again)

Post by hasaosan » 02 Oct 2011, 03:39

LordWiese wrote:Sorry if this is all messed up, I went copy it off our website :evil:
Anyways, this all really went down, and I am Arethorn ingame..
If you are wondering what game, it was in dawntide(sandbox mmo in beta) its ok, was fun because it let us build stuff and RP, but this game looks like it will be 100 times better :lol:

if by "fun" u mean a failed attempt at mixing wow and sandbox then yes its "fun"

in all seriousness dawntide devs should just delete the game as its a total fail

Alpha Tester
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Joined: 03 Aug 2011, 14:56
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Re: Republic of Glendor history(will rise again)

Post by LordWiese » 02 Oct 2011, 18:23

I have played both, and if your talking about the combat system, they are replacing it, other than that, they just need a bigger team, only 3 of them.

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