Time to polish your lance before ladies arrive(

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Time to polish your lance before ladies arrive(

Post by Arrakis » 01 Jul 2015, 17:44

Dear Players! Efforts of our development and art teams have resulted in long work days with a strong focus on new player models, DX11 implementation and seamless integration of all of that into LiF. You can see a small glimpse of what's coming in our E3 trailer. Together with continuing bug-hunts, overall fixes and tweaks to gameplay mechanics it takes a lot of time. That unfortunately has postponed character customization and female models in our game. :( We know that a huge part of our community, especially the female players are waiting for it desperately. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and will do everything possible to put female models in the game ASAP!

Nevertheless, now we almost have properly implemented mounted combat mechanics with lancing and a HUGE amount of different bugs and crash fixes in this patch! You are definitely going to like it!

Patch notes (ver.
    New features:
  • Mounted combat is implemented. You can use any one handed or Hand-and-a-half weaponry while mounted to slash your foes!
  • Lancing is implemented. Lance is the only two handed weapon that can be used while mounted. In order to properly use your lance, you have to coach it by reaching a galloping speed of your horse and holding the Attack button (Left Mouse Button by default). Make sure to release your attack button just before an impact of your lance with your enemy to actually couch it with a full force for a short period of time.
  • Pike and polearm weapons now have more stopping power vs mounted players forcing their horses rear on their hind legs. That can cause a forced dismount of a rider
  • Added tooltips for abilities in the Skill book and Hotbar
  • Unarmed combat mode is activated instantly after depleting all throwable weapons ammo
  • Ctrl+click in inventory will transfer a targeted item in your previously opened container. For instance, open your Inventory, open your warehouse, Ctrl + click a couple of items in the warehouse - and they will be moved to your inventory. No drag’n’drop is required. We will disable that functionality for loot bags and gravestones in next patches in order to make combat looting and quick loot longer and harder.
  • Ctrl+ Alt+click on an item in container will autostack all similar items into one pile only inside that container
  • Player velocity is now taken in account for throwing and ranged weaponry. For instance Javelin will fly further if you run forward while throwing it

    Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a client side crash that prevented users from training warhorses
  • Visible terrain seams should no longer be that visible anymore
  • Knocked down characters now drop movable objects that they were carrying on their backs
  • Inventory and Character GUI windows are now properly updated if any values are dynamically changed during gameplay
  • Health and Stamina rates of players that you are inviting to a unit are not visible anymore, until they actually accept that invitation
  • Watching someone attacking shortly after drawing weapon now doesn't result in playing a bunch of draw animations
  • Sounds should no longer loop infinitely at random places
  • Fixed and added a couple of sounds for different action
  • Fixed incorrect doubling of weight, when moving whole containers (bag, sack, pouch etc.) in inventory
  • Fixed a bug when you could parry with ranged weapons
  • Some more minor bug fixes
  • Fixed some serious client side crashes
P.S. All mounted combat and lancing mechanics will be balanced, debugged and tweaked in a next few months. We are always glad to hear your suggestions and ideas on that matter!

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