Kingdom of Camelot

Posts: 5
Joined: 14 Sep 2016, 16:59

Kingdom of Camelot

Post by Sakuragaoka » 14 Sep 2016, 17:05

Do you like the lore of the mythology of Arthur Pendragon and the sword of Excalibur? Have you ever wanted to live and experience how the life was back than!? If so, than this server is for you!! We're hosting a RP server that's devoted to Role playing in the life of King Arthur's Reign!
Create a character and backstory as to how you came to Albion, the land of Camelot and interact with the famous King Arthur as he builds up his kingdom and his knights of the round table!
We're a new server devoted to the Mythology and realism of the Age of Arthur Pendragon. Looking to have a great time while build a wonderful RP community! Team speak is available for OOC and for questions to get around the learning curve if needed!

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