Wheels, hooves and claws update (

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Wheels, hooves and claws update (

Post by Bobik » 26 Nov 2014, 18:55

We are proud to announce a major update that should add more color to your Life is Feudal experience. Almost all wild animals are unleashed now. Beware of the wild bears and prepare some tasty food for taming ;)

Wheeled transportation will also help you to fetch a larger amounts of stuff around the world and speed up the economy of your settlement.

Patch notes (ver.
  • Implemented a bigger variety of wild animals. A friendly hint: do not try to scratch a wild bear with a primitive axe ;)
  • Most of the wild animals can be tamed and domesticated for further breeding in your stables and barns
  • Implemented wheeled transportation to move a larger amount of stuff around the world. Wheelbarrows and carts are now working!
  • Tweaked a lot of weapons parameters. Weapons have become more lethal now
  • Reworked most of the wild animals sounds
  • Wild animals should no longer make double attack hits
  • Sloped wall sections can now be constructed without GM mode
  • Fixed some client side crashes
  • Some minor client side optimizations

P.S. Expect a major render optimization patch soon ;)

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