Display required levels on mouse-over?

I posted this idea in the Steam forums and it got some pretty good reviews.

When you highlight something in the crafting menu (i.e. a weapon) or in the construction menu (i.e. a house), can a tooltip pop up next to the cusor to tell what level or materials are required to build/use/equip the said item?

This would save people time and resources if they waste them on building an item and cant even equip it. Just a simple pop up tooltip like the item info that appears in the inventory when highlighted.

Comments (17)
  • Accepted Answer

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  • Accepted Answer

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  • Accepted Answer

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  • Accepted Answer

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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, May 23 2023, 03:11 PM - #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

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  • Accepted Answer

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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, May 23 2023, 03:35 PM - #Permalink
    logħba online

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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, May 23 2023, 03:37 PM - #Permalink
    Il-logħob onlajn żied b'mod drastiku l-ambitu u d-daqs tal-kultura tal-logħob tal-kompjuter. Il-logħob onlajn ġibed plejers minn varjetà ta' etajiet, nazzjonalitajiet u okkupazzjonijiet.Il-kontenut tal-logħob onlajn issa qed jiġi studjat fil-qasam xjentifiku, speċjalment l-interazzjonijiet tal-gamers fi ħdan is-soċjetajiet virtwali fir-rigward tal-imġiba u l-fenomeni soċjali tal-ħajja ta' kuljum. Bħal f'kulturi oħra, il-komunità żviluppat firxa ta 'kliem slang jew frażijiet li jistgħu jintużaw għall-komunikazzjoni fil-logħob jew barra. Minħabba n-natura dejjem tikber tagħhom fuq l-internet, slang tal-logħob tal-kompjuter moderni jikkoinċidu ħafna mal-slang tal-internet, kif ukoll leetspeak, b'ħafna kliem bħal "pwn" u "noob". Terminu ieħor li ġie popolarizzat mill-komunità tal-logħob tal-kompjuter huwa l-abbrevjazzjoni "AFK" biex tirreferi għal nies li mhumiex fil-kompjuter jew li ma jagħtux attenzjoni. Abbrevjazzjonijiet komuni oħra jinkludu "GL HF" li tirreferi għal "Xorti tajba, pjaċir," li spiss jingħad fil-bidu ta’ partita biex juri sportssmanship tajba. Bl-istess mod, fl-aħħar ta 'logħba, "GG" jew "GG WP" jista' jingħad li jifraħ lill-avversarju, jirbaħ jew jitlef, fuq "logħba tajba, logħob tajjeb". Ħafna logħob tal-kompjuter ispiraw ukoll memes tal-internet u kisbu a kbir ħafna wara onlajn

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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, May 23 2023, 03:40 PM - #Permalink
    The positive changes that a well-designed game can bring about are:

    • Increases decision-making capacity;

    • Problem solving techniques can be learned;

    • Analytical thinking habits are developed;

    • Increased responsiveness or reflexes;

    • teaches to practice coping with adverse environment;

    • Increases mathematical skills;

    • Increases ability in multi-tasking;

    • Family harmony increases when family members play games together.
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