Allow more workers per field or orchard

Please let us add more workers to a field. Sometimes, I want another worker or two even if it isn't efficient. For example, I may want to make sure I get all flax so I can make clothing. Yes, the feature request called everyone helps collect crops from the field may help with this, but what if I have many fields and few idle workers? Let me assign an additional worker to the specific field ;)

For comparison, Banished allowed a maximum, but let the player adjust downward if preferred:
Comments (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, September 12 2016, 06:03 PM - #Permalink
    Well in LIF: FV you can also decrease number of villagers working the field.

    I usually make fields just big enough for 2 workers and lower the number to one - i.e. I make the largest field one worker will work on, then I increase it on smaller side.

    When fall comes I double my farmers, so hopefully they will collect all the crops before winter.


    WHY ALL CROPS DISAPPEAR WHEN THE TEMPERATURE DROPS BELOW ZERO?! They should gradually wither away, not poof all of the sudden!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, September 15 2016, 04:53 PM - #Permalink
    Raukgorth wrote: Well in LIF: FV you can also decrease number of villagers working the field.

    Yes, I realize that. However, that's only if you build a field large enough for the game to allow more than 1 worker. If you build a smaller field, say 15x10, you can only ever have a maximum of 1 worker. Banished, as can be seen above, allowed a maximum of 3 for the smallest field and let you reduce or increase the maximum allowed.

    Raukgorth wrote: WHY ALL CROPS DISAPPEAR WHEN THE TEMPERATURE DROPS BELOW ZERO?! They should gradually wither away, not poof all of the sudden!

    No kidding. I realize some crops may be ruined by freezing, but others like wheat... it's just a dried grain. It doesn't need to poof out of existance :p
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, March 15 2019, 07:19 AM - #Permalink
    For the more workers if you have required then for the same field need to come and contact with the more suppliers. That will provide every field worker from edubirdie company that have really wide range of the workers of the every field.
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