I think was not born the Life is Slavery yet
Some day we will can to Know the perfect MMO game that a virtual ancient society shows the begining of power: the slavery.
It is totally possible to win in combat a player character and to convert it in a NPC with the farming options to manutence and to work game tasks. But this create a problem with gamers: the lost of the character.
It's the real life
I think LIF is so pretty, ideal to colaboration rol. But the fear to dead is not posible to recreate in it if you dont have the possibility of lose your character.
I like the idea of capturing, it obligate seriuosly to collective defense at settlements and could be a BOTs source.
If you cannot supplies food and clothes to your bots, they cannot to be your slavery.
If a character has any importante feature you will can get a bot withi this features
If you have so much bots you can supply them so much resources and protect your properties with an little defensive army, BOTs too when you aren`t connected.
If you lost a character by slavery you can fight with a new character to break free him and back this character to your list.
Well, i think is not the idea of LIF but as gamer i like this idea and perhaps someday born Life is Slavery ( only virtually please :d )