World was created on 17th of February 2019.
To better streamline everyone's experience on the server, we need to ask the community to follow the following additional guidelines:
Thse guidelines apply to both, character names and guild names. At the Bitbox team members' discretion, you may be asked to choose a more appropriate name for your character/guild, or in the special cases, name may be changed for you.
Names, violating Copyright, are prohibited.
Names, attempting to insult/grief/attack others, are prohibited.
No name should be overly vulgar, defamatory or offensive in nature.
No parody/impersonation of Life is Feudal staff.
No impersonation of another player (for example Mike Guy and M1ke Guy) or guild.
Numbers and symbols are not supported.
Any form of support towards real-world criminal/terrorist/discriminating organizations is prohibited.
This is a world full of people from different walks of life, with different beliefs, goals and playstyles. Our goal is to keep this virtual environment healthy and fun, where everyone, with no exception, can spend quality time in the game without real-life dramas disruptions, and can feel safe here. As such, we forbid any out of game communication in the game chats. That means:
Be respectful to others. No insults, threats, trolling or any kind of flaming is tolerated.
No discussion of any illegal activity or threats of violence (ie. threats of suicide, self-harm, or physical harm).
No use of explicit, racist, obscene or vulgar language, images/messages or content that depicts Nazi symbols or Nazi propaganda.
No discussion of real-world politics/events/religion/sports/news/etc.
No discussion of cheats/exploits and no negative comments accusing other players/guilds of cheating.
Note: Any reports of exploitation or cheating should be sent directly to the support team through direct lines of communication.
No spam or flooding the game chat.
No guild advertising outside of #lfg channel.
No advertising or links to advertising real-life goods or services, other products, games etc.
No selling of in-game assets for real-life currency.
Do not ever post offline personal contact information (ie. your home address, phone numbers etc.) and do not ask for personal information from others. This is to protect your security and identity and the others.
Violating rules above will result in an in-game chat blockade for an unspecified time duration or, in worst case scenario, an in-game account suspension. The exact type of penalty will be decided based on the number of total violations from a player and on the severity of the case.
In order to have the chat blockade lifted, it is required to contact the support team directly.
Life is Feudal. It is also very brutal. Some people will talk to you before attacking, others won't. We will not get involved in any dispute here. We do ask that you avoid killing new players on the beach, but that is for the players to police themselves. What we will not permit are attacks that are targeted at the individual behind the character. Please make sure that if you do engage in PvP, it's justified from your character's perspective.
Life is Feudal: MMO is a realistic hardcore survival. Because of the sheer complexity of the real world we're trying to recreate, issues can always arise. Sometimes fixes take a while to be delivered, leaving open exploits in the world of Abella. Here are our rules towards possible outcomes of the following:
Using any present or future bugs and exploits to avoid damage or deliver hits through means outside of intended combat gameplay will be punished. The exact type of penalty will be decided based on the number of total exploit usages from a player and on the severity of the case.
Hitting and shooting through the solid parts of structures such as walls, buildings, movable objects, etc. will be punished. The exact type of penalty will be decided based on the number of total exploit usages from a player and on the severity of the case.
Note: The exception to this rule applies only to objects with holes/gaps in them and only if the player actually hits/shots through such gaps. However, glitching through objects in any way to deliver the blow either with melee or ranged weaponry is not allowed and will be punished.
Getting inside guild claims' bases using non-siege movable objects (tables, tree logs etc.) is not allowed and will be punished. The exact type of penalty will be decided based on the number of total exploit usages from a player and on the severity of the case. You can only use the following means to get through the enemy walls:
Using Siege Ladders / Siege Platforms is allowed
Note 1: Undamaged Castle Walls cannot be climbed from outside of the claim using a Siege Ladder placed on the ground. However, once the Castle Wall has been damaged (has less than 50% durability), you can use Siege Ladders without limitations.
Note 2: Climbing Castle Walls by placing siege ladders on buildings near the walls outside of the claim is not allowed. The exception to this rule are buildings with flat surfaces on top (such as stone walls), where siege ladders can be placed and used to climb Castle Walls.
Note 3: From inside the base (after accessing the walls with legal methods), it is allowed to use Siege Ladders and Siege Platforms without any limitations. Expanded fiefs forming a single base will be considered a single claim when applying this rule. This includes using a Siege Ladder on a Castle Wall.
Digging/Collapsing tunnels is allowed
Terraforming (pouring soil and/or fossil materials from inventories, flattening the ground) is allowed
"Pounce" ability is allowed
Jumping (on foot or mounted) is allowed
Using any present or future bugs and exploits to access foreign bases (glitching through walls, gates etc) is not allowed and will be punished. The exact type of penalty will be decided based on the number of total exploit usages from a player and on the severity of the case.
Using any present or future bugs and exploits to interrupt outpost capture or to render the outpost totem inaccessible is not allowed and will be punished. The exact type of penalty will be decided based on the number of total exploit usages from a player and on the severity of the case.
Violating rules above will result in an in-game account suspension, which exact duration will be decided based on the number of total exploit usages from a player and severity of the case.
Terraforming a claim using any present or future bugs (such as creating unreachable underwater outposts, using any tunnel/soil pouring glitches that can result in a height difference outside of the common limit, preventing aggressive terraforming through abusive methods) is allowed, however, such fiefs will be considered outlawed. Any means to get inside such bases normally considered bannable will be allowed.
Using any game modifications that affect the gameplay in any way will result in a permanent account suspension. Mods that only affect in-game graphics are allowed, with the exception of modifying any hardcoded elements of the game client (complete grass removal, etc) which will result in account suspension.
Certain community projects and special event areas serving as neutral zones will be protected by an admin claim protecting them from invading and griefing. Some of them may be open at all times and available for everyone at any time, while others will be functioning only during events hosted either by the LiF team or by other players.
There are some limitations to the placement of such community projects that are to be protected by admin claim to serve as neutral zones. Such claims can't serve as bases for players either inside or outside the Protectorate areas. As such, build and destroy permissions will not be granted to players within these protected areas once the projects are finished and no private or guild claim can be functioning inside or border with these areas. They also should not be situated nearby any PvP contested areas either.
Judgment Hour (JH) is Enabled
Skill progression multiplier: x1
In-game day length: 5 real-life hours
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