Note: Now you can have up to 30 characters per region on your account.
Showcase your fearsome warrior skills on the PvP Battle Arena! Receive prizes for winning battles and become the top combatant of the PvP ranking!
The Arena is made for ranked, hardcore PvP skirmishes and supports up to 20-foot warriors. Mounts are prohibited. Each round lasts 12 minutes and every player has an unlimited resurrection with no skill loss. Equipment durability consumption is slower than in the main world.
The arenas are free-for-all and the victory condition is the highest ranking score. Upon death, ranking points received will be lost. At the end of the round, every player takes their place in the results table. Players who received the top 3 prize-winning places will be awardedwith coins and overall PvP ranking points.
Get valuable rewards for winning arena skirmishes!
1 place: 100 points + 75 Silver coins
2 place: 50 points + 35 Silver coins
3 place: 20 points + 15 Silver coins
PvP Arena rules:
Duration: 12 minutes
Number of participants: 20
Revival: unlimited
Mounts: prohibited
Victory condition: the highest score
For every kill you receive 2 points
Each time you die you lose 1 point
Area: 25x25 tiles
How to participate:
1. Navigate the Character Window and click the PvP Events Tab.
2. On the left side of the window, you can see the ‘Enlist’ button under the Arena part of the window.

3. By clicking on this button, you queue up and the Enlist button changes to ‘cancel’
4. If you click cancel, a dialogue window opens and ask, ‘Are you sure you want to cancel the request for participation in the arena?’
a. By clicking ‘Yes’ your request will be accepted and you need to wait for other players.
b. By clicking ‘No’ you close the dialogue window.
5. Next, you simply need to wait. The time that you are in the queue is displayed in the PvP Events Tab under the Arena title.
Note: All the prohibited items that player is carrying at the moment of joining the Arena will be dropped in the main world under player's character's feet.
1. Waiting for round:
As soon as you are in the first 20 places of the queue you will receive a notification: ‘The arena is open! Are you ready to participate?’
‘Yes’ - you transfer to the Arena and wait for other players in the preparation phase.
‘No’ - your request will be canceled.
Note: the notification is active for just 30 seconds, so you need to be online to accept it. If you are offline at the moment of receiving the notification, or you don’t accept it in time, your request will be canceled. In case you don’t confirm the invitation, you’ll receive this alert ‘You did not confirm participation in the arena. Your request has been canceled.’
The battle commences when at least 10 players confirm participation in the arena battle.
If there are less than 10 players, then you’ll see a message: ‘Not enough requests were confirmed. 'Priority of your request has increased.’ and you won’t be transported to the Arena.
Otherwise, players that confirm their invitation are transported to the Arena and await other players in the two-minute preparation phase. During this time, you can move around, use emotive abilities and even form your strategy!
2. Active phase:
At the start of the fight phase, each player spawns in random places around the arena. A10 second countdown (displayed on the HUD) starts, during which character control is unavailable. At the end of the countdown, the battle begins. A timer then runs for the duration of the fight. When it concludes, the final battle results are announced. Players are also able to view current statistics by pressing ‘Tab’ during the battle.

3. Early exit
Players can leave the arena ahead of time through the ‘Disconnect’ button in the ESC-menu. Your сharacter will be moved to the main world at the previous location before attending the Arena.
4. Reconnect
If the player was in the arena at the time of leaving the game, they will be invited to return to the arena upon reconnecting.
At the loading screen stage, a dialog box is displayed, ‘The arena is open. Are you ready to participate?’ If yes the player is loaded into the instance of the arena on which they were before they disconnected. If no, the player is returned to their previous location prior to transferring to the arena.
Note: During the battle, armor and weapon durability does still decrease and ammunition is used. After returning, all changes are saved. But don’t worry, equipment durability consumption rate on the Arena is significantly smaller than usual.
5. Death:
When a player dies, character does not lose skill points or equipment. A ‘Death’ window appears, showing the name of the killer and a cooldown for Revive. After 5 seconds Revive button becomes active. After clicking this button, the player is revived and respawned on an empty spot. ‘Resurrection Sickness’ does not affect players in arena battles, but after reviving, they are invulnerable for 1-2 seconds or until they start moving. All active effects reset.

6. The end of a battle:
At the end of the battle, each player takes their place in the results table according to the number of kills and deaths. Player need to get most kills and least deaths to be on top. Players who received top three prize-winning places willbeawardedwith coins and overall PvP ranking points. In case of an equal amount of points, the place in the ranking depends on who reached the particular number of points first.
The prize points are added to the pool of points received during the fight, according to the occupied place:
1st place - 100 overall PvP ranking points
2nd place - 50 overall PvP ranking points
3d place - 20 overall PvP ranking points
The points are added to the player's personal rating. It is also possible to receive a negative value.
The battle ranking is shown for 30 seconds and after that, all players that participated in battle are moved to their previous locationon the main world before attending the arena.
7. Connection with the cardinal system
The amount of points awarded in the arena is included in the rating of the deity Jomfrototte (cardinals).
Game worlds have now been united; you can travel freely between them (once a week for regular players, once every two days for premium subscribers). All game worlds will be shown on the global map and divided into Red (Full PvP and destruction) and Green (99% safe town claims and limited PvP) worlds. Regardless of which area you reside in, you can now communicate with everyone in Global Chat and trade between the worlds via Trading Posts!
What are the ‘Red’ and ‘Green’ Worlds
Green worlds are high-security zones, which are 99% safe for players. Green zones offer a more protected play-style for those interested in a peaceful life, farming, crafting and/or roleplaying.
If, for example, someone without permission attempts to enter a Town Claim, they will find themselves bounced back, and will be shown a warning message. Judgment Hours are rare here and scheduled only 1-3 times per week with a duration no longer than one hour (settings may vary between different worlds). Your home will be safe, though, as you can’t lose anything on your Town Claim during Judgment Hours.
However, total safety and invulnerability of city claims and guild monuments may lead to certain players attempting to exploit these mechanics. We introduced a distinctive feature for Green zones in anticipation of such behavior: Ostracism. If a guild in the Green world behaves too aggressively, it may be ostracized by other guilds. This will happen if the guild takes up arms in too many wars and/or if many guilds set a ‘Hostile’ standing towards this guild. The ostracized guild receives the status, ‘Derelicted’ and oblique line on a guild heraldry appears. If this guild has a Tier 1 monument, their monument and its Town Claim becomes vulnerable to any damage during Judgment Hours. In other words, the Ostracism feature helps to neutralize overly aggressive guilds - it is a powerful instrument of Green world politics!
Red worlds are low-security zones with free PvP and maximum hardcore PvP rules, similar to Life is Feudal: Your Own and closer to the original concept we had in mind. These worlds are better suited for the hardcore and battle-thirsty players, who want to dive into the harsh world of free PvP battles. Red zones have no private claims at all; you can rob, kill or even enslave other players. Burn your foes’ properties to the ground almost anywhere and anytime.
Make the War God proud of your warrior skills! Judgment Hours here are as frequent as possible. Players can deal maximum damage to their opponents during JH: for T1 level - destroy their monument and unmovable objects, steal their property, burn their buildings down and more; for T2-4 level, you can steal horses, loot containers, and more. Only in red zones can you turn other players into your obedient slaves, putting them to work on your outposts. Also, here me back the ability to put movable objects on realm claim. Now you can attack more efficiently!
Red Zone players can travel to Green Zones to recoup after a major battle, to check out unique resources or simply to retire from the fighting and strife of the Red Zones. Equally, Green Zone players can journey to Red Zones to participate in large-scale PvP battles without the threat of losing their buildings.
List of Green and Red Worlds
Green worlds:
Red worlds:
Differences between Green and Red worlds
Green Worlds |
Red Worlds |
Security |
Green worlds are high-security zones, where players are 99% safe inside their town claims and their monuments are protected from total destruction. Open world PvP, realm claims raids, and Judgment Hours are still active. |
Red worlds are low-security zones with free PvP and max hardcore rules similar to Life is Feudal: Your Own |
Personal Claims |
Working as intended. |
Disabled completely to prevent
PvP-based exploits.
Resources |
Crown Coins - can only be obtained here by selling your production to the Crown. These Crown coins are required to support Tier 2, 3, and 4 Monuments.
Two special types of resources are available only in Red worlds:
1. Slaves - workforce, which accelerates the extraction of resources in the outposts.
2. Baromsag - special substance that can be used to increase the quality of basic ground resources (ores, sand, clay, rock, granite, marble, etc.).
Judgment Hour |
JH is rare and scheduled 1-3 times per week with a duration of 1 hour (may vary in every world settings).
You cannot lose your claim during Judgment Hour. |
JH is as frequent as possible.
Rob, slave, smash and destroy! |
Note: In Red worlds, you can’t add support points on a personal claim, but it will stay for a paid period. Bonuses from Premium subscription will not affect personal claim in Red worlds.
Trade & economics between the worlds
Both Red and Green Worlds will be economically interconnected, making it possible to trade between the worlds through Trading Posts. Crown coins cannot be obtained in Red worlds; these coins are only disbursed in the Green worlds, whereas only in Red zones can you find two special types of outposts with unique resources:
1. Slaves - a workforce used to improve the efficiency of production, both in the Red and Green worlds. Slaves can be obtained by building, and controlling, the Slavery Outpost, and even by enslaving knocked out players (don’t worry, if you find yourself captured, you don’t ‘play’ as the slave, BUT you do receive a fun ‘Enslaved’ title for two real days for all to see!).
2. Baromsag - a special substance used to increase the quality of basic ground resources (ores, sand, clay, rock, granite, marble, etc.). Baromsag can be obtained by building and controlling the Geognosy Pit.
To increase the quality of basic ground resources, simply use the Baromsag ability:
If you don’t have any Baromsag in your inventory, you will be notified
Otherwise, you will see a list of available items thatBaromsag can be used on. Choose one of the items available and its quality will be improved. If the quality is a maximum quality of an item, then you receive a notification ‘Too much substance amount forBaromsag to upgrade its quality’
How to sell to another world:
The following steps are pretty simple.
1. Press Market
2. Choose the Trading Post you are interacting with and select 'Put up for sale' tab
3. Choose an item and press ‘Put up for export’ in the Trade window. The item will not be visible to players from your world, but available for players from other worlds.
You are able to sell all items except resources and their first derivatives for export. You can see a list of allowed for selling items in the site in the Character section.
When exporting items to another world, region-specific resources will lose all of their effects.
During JH, you can’t sell or buy items via Trading Posts.
If there is no free space in the Trading Post, items are held until there will be enough space for them. But Trading Post container updates once per maintenance.
How to buy:
1. Go to the Trade Post and choose an item, or filter offers and choose the one you desire. Items from other worlds will have an ‘export’ in Trading Post column.
2. Once you find the desired product in another world, click on it ‘Buy’.
3. Then you have two options: pick up your purchase from the Trading Post where it’s located, or pay for delivery and pick it up from the current Trading Post. The delivery price depends on the distance between the Trading Posts.
Players can transfer between worlds with their inventory and equipment by praying once a week - or even once every two days with a premium subscription. If you have a guild waiting for you in that world, you can enter a guest password and be transported directly to the guild’s monument.
How to transfer your character between worlds:
You can transfer your character between worlds once a week, or even once every two days with the premium subscription.
1. Use the ‘Prayer For a Far Journey’ ability.
a. If you can use the ability instantly then go to step 2.
b. Otherwise, on the bottom of the window, you can see the usual cooldown for the transferring ability as well as a cooldown for the active premium subscription. If you already have the premium subscription, then you will only see one cooldown for the current subscription. If you see this cooldown you need to wait before you are able to go to the next step.
2. Choose the world you want to transfer to from the list at the top of the window.
3. If you have a Guest password from one of the guilds on the selected world, fill the ‘Guest code’ form below. You will then be moved to the location of the guild monument on the selected world.
Note: Guest password allows you to transfer your character right to the guild monument even from the Newbie island! There’s no more need for you to run for hours to your guild.
4. In the case that you do not have a password, you don’t need to enter anything. You will be transferred to a random spot on the selected world.
5. All equipment and inventory will be transferred with your character, but region-specific resources will lose all of their effects.
6. If you visit the world for the first time, you will see a list of World Rules.
Note: When you cannot transfer your character to another world:
You cannot transfer your character to another world if you are a guild leader or a minor leader. If you wish to do so, you need to delegate your power to another player or remove the guild completely.
You cannot transfer your character to another world from the newbie islands without a Ticket to Abella
If you want to be able to transfer your character more often, you can do so with a premium subscription, which you can get by simply clicking ‘Buy premium’ at the bottom of the window.
Continents are displayed on the global map in a Dashboard. By clicking on the world you can see information about it, like guilds, their rating, leaderboard and a number of players.

How to create Guest Password:
If you are a guild leader or a minor leader, in a Monument Window you will see a text field with ‘Guest code’;
Enter the code that you want to use as a guest password. The Password should contain at least 3 - up to 15 - symbols and can only contain: letters, numbers, dashes, and commas.
Click ‘Set’ button.
If your password is valid and unique then it will be set. Otherwise, you will then receive a notification.
Providing this password to any player will give them the ability to transfer from another world and spawn near your guild monument.
There stands 13 deities within the pantheon, with 12 of the gods in the rating. Each god looks over certain aspects of life (e.g. harvest, hunting, craft), thus each of them desire a specific sacrifice or achievement. You can read more about the gods in the lore section.
Each real-life day during prime time, those who have earned the first place in the ranking of each god rating will become Makthrids. The player that takes the first place in the rating of the Sleeping God will become an Archimankur. Player will receive the title only if they are online at during announcement. When Makthrids and Archimankur are chosen,allserversgets a notification with their names and titles.
It’s possible to become a Makthrid (even of several gods) and an Archimankur simultaneously.
At the end of the week after IB Primetime, each Sunday, the list of cardinals and rating lists for each god are reset.
Only online players can become Makthrids and Archimankur (if you were offline at the time of the announcement, you are not eligible for the title).
List of gods and their requirements for the ranking:
God |
What patronizes |
How to wheedle god’s top |
Sleeping GodTop of this ranking will become the Archimankur |
God of war and hard-work |
- Number of prayers for the player
- Sacrifice coins
- Get other Gods’ points
Aori Goldenhanded |
Master & Craftsman |
- Sacrificed coins
- Regional items crafted
Gloom |
Trickster & Expert in poisons |
- Crafted poison preparations & cocktails
- Crafted regular preparations & cocktails
Holza the Spinstress |
Mistress of time |
- Time spent online in the game
- Total cost of sacrifice (yarn, fabrics, clothes)
Kallente |
Goddess of fertility |
- Cost of sacrifice of young (up to the age of fertility) animals
- Units of manure cleared
- Number of trained combat horses
Amate-Maksha |
The Sunmaiden |
- Amount of harvested crops
- Total cost of sacrificed food
Velent-Elianne |
Mother-Night |
- The number of unique murders that lead to the alignment decrease
- The total price of jewelry sacrificed
Terskell and the Three |
One-armed warrior who protects the the world from the Sleeper |
- Total weight of building materials that were used during the construction
Jodenande, the Dead Maiden |
The Maiden of Death |
- Number of kills in Instanced Battles
- Number of held Instanced Battles
Jomfrutotte |
The Old Woman-Death |
Sófaþek-king |
God of knowledge and wise council |
- Unique non-guild prayers for the player (how many other non-guild players prayed for this player)
- Unique prayers for the player (how many other players prayed for this player)
Rob the Shoveler |
God of agriculture and mining |
- Number of unique places where you performed terraforming actions (lowering, raising, flattening, digging mines, mining)
Where can to find Gods’ Rating?
Open the Character window Social Tab and press ‘Rating’ in the bottom right corner (or go to the dashboard and click on leaderboard).
Choose the god from the list on the left and on the right you will see the ratings.

Methods to earn favor:
1. By doing an action from that particular god desire. After you did it you will receive a notification that the God has accepted it.
2. By sacrifices. You need to use “Sacrifice to God” ability for the following Gods to earn his favor.
When you use the ability, Inventory window opens and you choose what item you want to sacrifice. Then the item will be removed and you will receive points for Gods’ ranking
The list of available sacrifices:
God |
Sacrifices |
Amate-Maksha |
Food.The number of points for God’s ranking depends on a food complexity |
Holza the Spinstress |
Yarn, fabrics, clothes.The number of points for God’s ranking depends on a total cost of sacrifice |
Kallente |
Young animals - animals up to the age of fertilityThe number of points for God’s ranking depends on a total cost of sacrifice |
Sleeping God |
Coins |
Velent-Elianne |
JewelryThe number of points for God’s ranking depends on the total price of jewelry sacrificed |
Aori Goldenhanded |
Coins |
3. By other players praying for you, if you are in the Sleeping God rating
How to pray for another character:
To do so you need to use /prayfor [name] command in the system chat or Pray For ability by clicking on the character you want to pray for.
Archimankur edicts:
1. Excommunication - Members of the chosen guild receive an Excommunicated status for 20 real-time hours. During that time, these players can be killed by any player without losing alignment. Players will be notified about this event in a global server broadcast.
2. The Archimankur can also cast a global message to the entire server once a day (no obscene language, insults etc.)
3. Create an indulgence that gives +5 alignment points, regardless of what alignment the player has (disregards the -50 irreversibility). It can be passed, sold, and lost like a regular item, but it can only be used once.

How to create an edict:
1. Each day at the end of prime time (and two hours after), Archimankur is able to make one of three edicts.
2. Go to the Character window in the Social Tab and on the left side of the window click on one of the edicts.
a. If you click on Excommunication, you then need to enter a guild name to make its members criminals for 20 hours in the field under the chosen edict.
b. If you click on Broadcast, then you need to enter a message in the field under the chosen edict
c. If you click on Create the Indulgence then you will receive the item in your inventory. that you will be able to use and give to another player.
3. Then all Makthrids gets a voting window with Yes/No answers. They should cast a vote within one minute.
Note: If the character that has a Makthrid title is offline at the moment of voting or won’t answer anything, then his answer is Yes by default.
If a character has several titles then he is voting for all of them.
4. After all Makthrids votes, Archimankur gets the statistics of voting and if it has more No answers, the edict will be rejected.

Outpost types:
1. Mine Shaft (ore mining)
2. Herbalist's Hut (herbs gathering)
3. Lumber Mill (lumber production)
4. Quarry (clay/sand extraction)
5. Forager's Hut (fibers, berries, mushrooms gathering)
6. Mill (Farm) (farming products)
7. Knackery (leather and meat)
8. Geognosy Pit (Baromsag production) - Red worlds only
9. Slave Camp - Red worlds only
Outpost Construction:
How to construct:
1. Guild player can build and manage an outpost, then the guild becomes the owner of the outpost.
Note: If a guild that owns an outpost falls apart then outpost lost its owner.
2. Simply construct it with the ‘Build outpost’ ability on the unclaimed land within 150 tiles from any other outposts or guild monuments.
3. In an outpost window, choose the outpost type. In the situation where a chosen type of the outpost is able to produce different types of resources, you can choose what resource it produces in a drop-down list in the bottom right corner.
Note: you can change the type of resource from the list of resources for the current outpost type at any time.
4. Place slaves into slave slots in the inventory on the right side of the window
5. You can see info about slaves on the left side of the window. There are: icon, durability and time that is left for every slave.
6. After you have constructed an outpost, one NPC Overseer would appear and start recourse production.
7. You can see how much resources the outpost has produced in an outpost inventory window on the right side of outpost window.
8. In the bottom, there is a production rate of the outpost.
9. Every outpost has a small realm claim around it, which becomes vulnerable during JH. This claim can be used to build small fortifications, or somewhere to store/refine items.

Outposts have limited storage for collected resources. You will not be able to produce any more resources if there is no free space left in the container.
Only guild member owning the outpost can interact with it outside of JH. (Except “Reclaim” ability)
Slaves in the outpost:
1. You can add up to four slaves and improve the performance of any outpost type (except Slaver Camp).
2. Slaves can live in an outpost for up to 10 game days. After that, they die and disappear from the outpost. You are able to keep slaves in your inventory where they won’t disappear.
3. Every slave has its own durability. With each production cycle, slaves in an outpost lose 5 durability. If the durability of the slave is below zero, they will die and will be removed from the outpost (the bonus from them is still taken into account for the past cycle).
4. Slaves actually work in the outpost and can be killed by an owner or raiding players. They drop no loot upon their death, but the outpost will lose the bonus from this slave until they respawn the next in-game day.
5. Each type of resource has its own basic rate of accumulation and the final rate depends on the number of slaves/NPCs alive in the outpost.
Outpost productivity:
100% if there is no slaves, just default one NPC
50% if NPC is dead
+ x% for slave with durability x (x=1 it is 51% and for x = 100 it is 100%)
+ 50% for the dead slave
So, an outpost fully packed with 100Q slaves will have up to 5x production rate. An outpost without slaves and an overseer that was killed during a raid generates only 50% of its resources.
How to reclaim:
20 sec ability to initiate the reclaim of the outpost during JH only for guild characters
Claiming goes for 10 minutes, highly visible state (burning, smoking)
All members of the guild that owns the outpost, receive a message that claiming has started with the name of the outpost that is being captured.
20 sec ability to stop the reclaim of the outpost
Guild (or individual) who controls the outpost can use the ability to take away produced resources and use them however he wants to.
No need in wasting your time on gathering resources manually! Save your time and energy by taking advantage of the new slave mechanic. Players can place up to four slaves per outpost, each additional slave speeding up productivity and earning even more production.
There are a couple of ways one can get slaves in Life is Feudal. You can acquire them by controlling the slave outpost in a Red World, buying from other players, or enslaving knocked out players! This feature works only in Red worlds.
How to enslave your enemy:
You are able to use the ‘Enslave’ ability on a defeated player from a guild that is at war with yours. When an enslaved player dies, you receive ‘slave’ in your inventory.
The quality of the slave depends on craft, combat skills and statistics of the enslaved player.
After being taken into slavery, the player is endowed with the unchangeable title ‘Enslaved’ for the next 48 hours (counted only when character is online), but the gameplay doesn’t change for them. Fortunately, with this title, the player cannot be taken back into slavery.
Each guild will have a value calculated based on the amount, type and quality of all buildings, objects and items on its town and realm claims. Controlled outposts are also included in the calculation. At the end of every real life day - after prime time - all guild ratings are recalculated. Based on the rating, each guild is placed among one of 10 (ten) ranks.
The allowance of the guilds that can declare the IB on yours, and those that you can declare IB on, depends on how big the rank difference between the specific guilds. For instance, Rank 1 guild cannot be IBed by a Rank 3 or lower rank guild. And Rank 6 guilds can IB a Rank 5, 6 and 7 rank guilds. This is in order to minimize the usage of ‘proxy’ guild claims in the Kingdom vs Kingdom warfare and also to promote wars and IBs between similar sized/developed guilds. Consider it as a weight division in guild vs guild boxing!
We plan to monitor this system closely and adjust rating calculation algorithms along with the ranking IB limitation rules. We do not plan to apply this system onthewarstandings, since we believe that red worlds should not have such artificial limitations, while green worlds will have the Ostracism feature, which should promote minimization of unneeded wars.
Where I can find guild ranking:
Go to the Character window in a Social Tab and click on Guild Rating button. Or go to dashboard and click Guild Rating button.
If the defending team loses the battle, they lose twice the amount of their claim tiles.
How does it work:
The defending guild is penalized by a double loss of the claim radius, with the simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions:
Battle (100x100)
At least 10 players from the attacker team were involved (non-attendance is not taken into account)
There were no casualties in the attacker team (no one was killed)
Lesser Battle (50x50)
At least 5 players from the attacker team were involved (non-attendance is not taken into account)
There were no casualties in the attacker team (no one was killed)
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