The world of Epleland (RP) is a "Green" world, unlike the other worlds we have. This is a place where we encourage community growth, in a comfortable environment that is meant for a more mature role-playing experience. This doesn’t mean it's a sanctuary though after all strife between feudal claims is common and expected, because… Life is Feudal.
Judgment Hour (JH) is OFF
Skill progression multiplier: x1
In-game day length: 5 real-life hours
Justice system: x2 loss of Alignment for crimes (theft, damage, murder)
Guild lands growth: x0.5
Lower damage in a peaceful stance (the same as in the combat stance)
The world was created on 21th of November 2017.
To better streamline everyone’s experience on the server, we need to ask the community to follow the following additional guidelines:
All Characters and Guilds must follow these guidelines. Names on this server MUST be appropriate for the feudal era. At a GM’s discretion, you may be asked to change your character name to one more appropriate.
No using Copyrighted Names.
No using names to attempt to insult/grief/attack others.
No name should be overly vulgar, defamatory or offensive in nature.
No parody/impersonation of Life is Feudal staff.
No impersonation of another player (for example: Mike Guy and M1ke Guy).
No use of trademarked/licensed things.
No futuristic/present day stuff.
No using numbers and weird symbols.
No name should be used to show support towards real-world criminal/terrorist/discriminating organizations.
This server is intended for a more mature community that wishes to roleplay. There is a great guide on roleplay at:
While those are good behaviors that foster a strong RP environment for everyone to enjoy, everyone plays differently. As such, we do ask that there be absolutely no out of game communication on global. That means:
No advertising real-life goods or services.
No discussing real-world politics/events/religion/sports/news/etc..
No negative comments accusing other players/guilds of cheating.
Keep all global communication about the game from an in-character perspective.
Life is Feudal. It is also very brutal. Some people will talk to you before attacking, others won’t. We will not get involved in any dispute here. We do ask that you avoid killing new players on the beach, but that is to the players to police themselves. What we will not permit is attacks that are targeted at the individual behind the character. Please make sure that if you do engage in pvp, it's justified from your character's perspective.