So you have 7 road types, but 1 is the best/fastest travel inc.. so thats the only one you build.
TBH if you want difrent roads try building roads like I do:
Flat whole or half number ploughed soil only, 4 wide, with trees and lamp posts on the sides:::
Start by flatting to a whole nr or half -1 (like 11.9, or 12.4 or 12.9... etc) make said location 4 wide for the length of the whole road, slope down or up at same level.
Add 1 forest soil on both outer sides (so the nr 1 and nr 4 tiles)
Then flatten then flatten these fully plant Birch trees every second tile on ether side of the road (ether across from each other or skip style) the pave the 2 centre tiles.
Place 1 lamp post for every 6 tiles in skip style (first 1 side of road, then other side)
Every 500 M or so, make a way station, with a fountain/well a few fruit trees and a bench or two ..
It looks totally different from your run of the mill paved road trust me... its just frustrating to make it from 1 end of the island to the other