I realize that the combat system is already well on its way and there is little chance of deviating from it but I want to leave this suggestion here nonetheless. One never knows...
Online combat has latency problems. I was wondering if this might be a workaround. I am no programmer so be kind in your comments as this is me spit balling something outrageous I know.
The idea is that a fight ends when you can string together two or three successful strikes opening a gap in your opponent's defence when he off balance, allowing you to end the fight, as opposed to steadily reducing his Health Bar. In addition I was hoping it might give players with bad latency a chance to not lose advantage due to connection.
- Combat is won whenever you land a weapon strike on an opponent that is not blocked AND pierces armour, let us call this a critical strike.
- When standing neutral a character has a 'balance' or 'footing' value of 100%.
- While a character is 'in balance' he will automatically block any attack from his front. (yes, you heard me... please no death threats

> The purpose here is that if you have bad latency and did in fact block your loss of balance is refunded when the network catches up.
If you didn't manually block at all your opponent gets an advantage in the fight via your loss of balance.
- Loss of balance occurs when;
> you swing and miss
> when you suffer an unblocked strike (side, rear or when off balance)
> running, jumping or stepping back/sideways
> but most importantly when your character auto blocks for you
- When balance drops below 25% you are considered 'off balance' and cannot block or swing but can move.
- When standing still balance is regained over x seconds. This needs to be longer than most latency delays. Possible? *shrug*
- Loss of balance is influenced by agility, skill and power of opponents strike.
- A successful block always prevents of 100% damage.
- Stamina (short term)/fatigue (long term) can play a vital role but I won't bother going into this now.
- The power of a strike is determined by the character's balance and weapon weight.
- This in turn affects how much balance your opponent loses.
- Power bonus if you are moving in the direction of the attack due to momentum.
- So now you finally landed a strike on your opponent. The power of the strike must be enough to break through the armour rating.
- If power > armour = critical strike = you are severely wounded or dead.
- If not you lose more balance, suffer minor wounds (impacting speed, stamina etc).
- In balance (from perfect to low): the lower the balance the less power output.
- Off balance: cannot block/swing, you are either killed outright at this stage or knocked to the ground.
- Sprawled on the ground, defenceless but your friends can come to your aid before you get ganked.