In former time, you preserved your food in different ways (I use a big Letters for every single way): Drying (Apples, Fruits and so on), Salting, Smoking, Preserving via Thickning by Boiling/Confecting in Glascontainers (in Germany there is the word: Einmachen), Sugaring (like jelly, would give the glasmaker some options), Vinegar (would give the grapes some meaning, except eating and Wine), Fumigating (also Fruits), and yeah, even Ice, in Europa it was normal to take Ice from a Lake and bring it to a "Icehouse" (Stonebuilding with a deep cellar) where it cooled things for a long long time. The thing is... is this really practical? Eventually there could be implemented a simple Secondary Skill like Cooking, the higher the Skill, the more complex food you can cook (1 Ingrident (Skill 0), 2 Ingridents (Skill 20) and so on) and the more things you can preserve (Starting with Drying/Salting and then in the Order of above except the Icehouse, if this (Icehouse) should/could be implemented depends on the season discussion). What could be preserved how (through which preservation technique), what is needed for preserve food and how long it keeps the quality or slows down the Qualitydowngrading, is something for discussion (I have some ideas, but I like to only write them down, if my above sugesstion is even considered a good idea or i save my time for playing

All the collected ideas above mine are allready good, how about putting them all togehter?