Alright, so if you can kill and loot players in their claim, what's the point of "Judgment Hour"?
And ultimately, what's the point in investing your time and energy in building and maintaining a claim, if people are gonna stroll in and do whatever they wish? Assuming that what was said in this post is true, why would people even bother claiming territory? They could just randomly gather together, build a small village anywhere, and enjoy their lives

, right?
It's so expensive to build those monuments that I would expect some advantages in doing so. If the developers want to make this game hardcore, I don't mind, but then I would expect the whole concept of "claim" to be revised if not scrapped, because it doesn't make sense, if you push realism to the extreme. Just build walls around your village and your community, aaaand, there you go, you got a claim for 100 times cheaper then building a monument !
Sorry for drifting into another topic, but to me, it seems related to the whole "sleeper" concept. And thanks for explaining what you meant in your original post.
EDIT: by the way, I think that indeed "sleepers" would help players become more responsible.
EDIT2: I have upvoted your idea.