Tiếng Việt
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PClaim Abuse, Economy & JH fix by Drayvs

1)Take away option of selling gold & jewelry to the crown

2)Increase maintenance cost for guild monument immensely, the absolute minimum is this:

a)t1 is the same for the first 4 weeks, then it costs 5gold coins per week
b)t2 costs 10g a week
c)t3 costs 20g a week
d)t4 costs 30g a week

3)Implement system: "What do we have here?" for Realm claims, which increases maintenance cost of your monument the less you have build on your Realm claim
(only useful structures, such as houses, crafting stations, warehouses, it will check amount of tiles occupied):

a)t1(after 4weeks period) will cost 10g a week with empty realm claim, and 5g with fully built realm
b)t2 will cost 20g a week with empty realm claim, and 10g with fully built realm
c)t3 will cost 40g a week with empty realm claim, and 20g with fully built realm
d)t4 will cost 60g a week with empty realm claim, and 30g with fully built realm

4)Create new structure Mint:
a)Can be built only on Realm claim of T2 or higher
b)You can build:
1 mint on t2
2 mints on t3
3 mints on t4
c)there should be minimum of 20tiles between each Mint
d)Mint generates:
30g coins a week from 1 gold ingot
500silver coins a week from 1 silver ingot
10 000copper coins a week from 1 copper ingot
e)You can change any coins into any type inside it,
f)You can not take coins out until cycle has ended(5-7realdays),
g)If enemy destroys your mint, they will get half of supposed coins, for example:
you started minting on monday, enemy destroed your mint on thursday(3days which is about 40%), so they will get 50% of 40% that are done:
6g, 100s, 2000c, none of ingots though

a)Normal one costs 50g
b)Small one costs 25g

6)If any character on player's account is part of some guild, then private claims of ALL his characters are vulnerable to his guild's enemies during JH

P.S. Obviously with this much coinsink we would need more ways to farm it & possibly spend too, but even in this "raw state" this should fix A LOT.
Comments (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, April 30 2018, 09:01 AM - #Permalink
    Thats a pretty cool idea, but too hardcore for our carebear community... They whine about just taking away gold & jewelry, with current prices. Maybe just implementing Totems for coins without maintenance cost increase - would be good enough?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, July 14 2020, 07:57 AM - #Permalink
    Thanks for the information. I really liked it a lot.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, August 07 2021, 04:39 PM - #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, August 14 2021, 08:41 AM - #Permalink
    I read this post your post is so nice and very informative post thanks for sharing this post 먹튀검증
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