1. Improving GM Power
- Open/modify inventory of players
- manipulate stats and skills of players even if they locked/upped/downed their skill/stat
- instant flattening/instant tunnel digging for creating an own world
- being able to flatten even if you hit metal
2. PvE for those who want to run LiFYO as PvE Freeshard
- quick solution: bear2 data (basically a bear just with another look) with the model of a random generated player. Editable loottable for those
- long run: editable spawns of NPCs with own loot table to introduce the money system to our freeshards
3. Herbalism
- wow, good amount of different herbs! awesome
- auto stack for herbs. Maybe create a Herbalist Pouch, which automatically has 67 slots in which the collected herbs fit in - or sumthin like that

for our visible size of the inventory....67 is too much
4. Locking items
- lockable chests / doors even within guild, or make chests / containers claimable
5. guild management
- introduce guild ranks, like officers who can invite to guild
- fixing the last step of the monument it scales down again and again, even if not built with GM power
6. General stuff
- bring animated models to barn/stable/large stable and remove the sound of empty barns/stables