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Have you guys and gals notice that there is very little reason to use steel on a two handed weapon?
If you use a different material like copper, the texture looks the same as if you made it with iron.
Do you dislike that durability has not affect on your equipment textures?
But do you hate when your smelting metals and forget to repair the furnace, at it breaks?
Not anymore:
Different metals should have different Qualities/textures, the quality could be changed as easy as(Just made a basic idea ratios could be changed)->
Copper->0-40 Quality
Iron------->40-70 Quality
Steel------->70-90 Quality
Vostaskus-->90-100 Quality
Or it could be done in a ratio where one is able to have a a 100 quality copper shovel, but its not as a good as a quality 100 iron, etc.
With durability it would change how effective your tool or buildings(buildings are fine now, but with visual ques) is when goes below 25% durability. As the durability goes down the texture will change accordingly, with what Material and Durability it is at.
(Example) ->
*Iron shovel
100%->Flawless texture
80%---->Gets a tad bit of dirt on it
60%------>More dirt, first stage of oxidation, Handle looks worn
40%-------->Just looks a bit more worn, rust showing
20%---------->Looks rusty, maybe even losing some of the shovels edges, Splintery/worn handle
0%------------->Broken old looking shovel icon in inventory
Would work the same from buildings(decent visual ques), to bows, weapons, armor, and tools.
With even all this being seen while you have it on, it would also work the same for the Icons too.
This whole idea would translate to armor, weapons, and tools, but give them a sweet texture on them and their icons. It would help balance the game more, and not everyone running around with the best quality this and that. Makes it so you separate those who will go the extra step for perfections and those fine with what they got. Whats cool is, with the variety of texture you could size up your opponent even better on just what he is wearing alone.
Would also make it easier to see if buildings needed repair, just by seeing how they look alone(visual ques).
I could probably go on and on and on, about this, but I'm just going to leave it at this..........
OH yeah, Vote for It
