Based on the knowledge of other disciplines and the writing of critical economics, economists understand these shortcomings better than most people. In fact, one-third of Nobel Economics Prize winners have mathematics, physics, or engineering backgrounds from world-renowned schools, except for the well-known mathematician Nash. For example, Frisch, the first winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, was a PhD in Mathematical Statistics, and the Nobel Prize winner Ding Bergen was a PhD in Physics. In addition to the Nobel Prize level, Professor Qian Yingyi of Tsinghua University, which everyone is familiar with, also has a background in mathematics. Fudan University professor Tang Shiping was born in molecular biology, that is, a few active PhDs in economics from Zhihu, and he also has a background in physics at Tsinghua and Peking University. Obviously, these people have more knowledge of natural sciences than most ordinary people. Based on the criticism of economics from other disciplines, they are naturally more familiar with natural sciences.