Well that become quite a discussion
So lets sum everything alchemy needs in my opinion(entire Alchemy skill-tree):
1. Expanded Natures lore -
1.1 Add expanded inspection skill for players and give ability to inspect herbs you want to pick...
2. Expanded gathering -
2.1 Actually i dont think you can add much to this skill but i know devs or someone will figure something out or just let it be
3. Expand Herbalism -
3.1 Give herbalist ability to plant those herb, so he can grow herbs he really needs
Complex Planting - Azeron
3.2 Preparations should be not full-product but half-product that you can use later in alchemy skill...
3.3 Give plants 4 possible effects not 3 this way you give place for additional cocktails(potions) and preparations and other...
3.4 Give herbalist ability to make paints and dyes from herbs...
3.5 Tea - Mhmmmmmm - healing Tea(ofc reduces hunger and gives buff (depends with what preperation tea is made)...
3.6 Remove flavour add spaces - maybe add some herbs a pepper properity and paprika or give a farmer ability to plant those and add salt from or mines. Give alchemist ability to posses salt from sea water which then herbalist can connect and make SPICE that can be used or used it separately...
4. Expand Medicine -
4.1 Crippling wounds - broken leg then you cant run, broken arm you cant block as good or you just do half the dmg than normal, shattered head occasional blackouts, whiteouts or visual effects, bleeding until you are DEAD not debuff that go away and when rib is broken your stamina depletes quicker. In short short run - find someone with first aid skill or better yet medic...
"I dont want to see i have broken leg by icon somewhere on screen and wonder what stats game have lowered i want to FEEL i have broken leg..."
4.2 More appropriate tools -
4.2.1 Broke arm/leg - ok... you uses hammer to get limb back in shape and then what? you can sprint again? Nope mate you go to bed to let it heal completely or you stiff the leg\arm with 2 branches and some plant fiber
4.2.2 Bleeding - I have always wondered with what you are stopping the bleeding - with hand?
Simple we can use some cloth or burn out wound by using torch, ofc you need knife as well...
4.2.3 Broken ribs, shattered head - Simple, knives to repair broken rib\head. Patient need to lay on the bed...
4.3 Add alternative to heal poison without antidote - "open wound" ability. Medic uses knife and poison effect is lost but bleeding effect is gained medic the uses ability mend wound to stop it(not recommended method if patient doesn't have much health)

4.4 Human bodies can be used to study medicine and remains can be sued in alchemy(human - heart,eye) - morbid i know

4.5 Add plague sickness - this effect will be gained if bodies are not burnt or buried - yes i don't like idea with graves
4.6 Why potion dont have effect when im wounded i dont see point
4.7 Like i said bodies instead of graves - here:
Bodies instead graves
5. Expand Alchemy -
5.1 Alchemy takes time - I understand preparation making in this way, after all herbalist does is mix herbs in mortar BUT Alchemy consist from complicated processes and this way potions are more precious and can be better. Potions are not made from throwing herb into alcohol are not made instantly -seriously WHAT!?

5.2 Alchemy tools - Alchemist possess wide variants of chemical glassware why isn't it even shown in alchemical process
5.2.1 Destillator - This is the only tool which is required to make a simple potion. You uses preparation(this way you connects herbalist with alchemy) and alcohol and additional ingrid like minerals or organic components which then takes time (how much dunno lets live it in hands of devs)
5.2.2 Calcinator - is used in making mineral and organic materials into liquid or ash form that can be later used in destilation to make or enhance potions
5.2.3 Alembic and retort - Removes positive or negative effects from potions
5.3 III Tiers of potions and permanent potions -
- First time you distill you make a potion
- Second time you distill you will need the same ingridients higher quality thus making potion lets say tier 2 with better effects and more effect time
- Third time you destill works the same time but making permanent potion that rises attribute permanently only attribute buffs and debuffs can be made into tier 3 potions and they doesnt rise beyond 150 attribute points(quicker attribute training)
BUT triple distilling are based heavily on luck attribute - in short if you fail you lost potion completly and need to start again
Double distilling is available only for alchemist with 90lvl
Triple distilling is available only for alchemist with 100lvl so not everyone can just made them
5.4 Flux Naptha and other chemical substances - made only by Alchemist (sorry no flux or naptha for herbalist) and can be made in more quantity than 1
5.5 Add other useful chemical components substances etc(like flux) that can be used in everyday life or to make life easier...
Well that's mostly it even if less than half of those ideas can be implemented into the game i would be happy man.

Those ideas are mostly not mine. I only collected all ideas from all people that from forum in hopes to give alchemy treatment it truly deserves.
Vote up and like it if you think most ideas are fine with you
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