rg_nick wrote:
My English - very weak!
Very interesting topic! But it could be more interesting, if you have different religions: Christianity, Islam and Paganism, with its buildings - shrines!
Of course, the ideal would be better to have more races! And these races should be close to reality.
Each faith must have its advantages and disadvantages - but the objectively!
(Approx: Middle Earth - Christianity, south - Islam, north - paganism)
Obviously this idea is far future!
This is one of my many suggestions and do not scold me for my English!
seawulf wrote:
Druidism could also be a cool addition to that group. Could give some nice buffs on herbalism's skill tree. Each religion bringing its own set of buffs (temporary boosts to skill trees) that players could earn when praying using the temples, churches, shrines, groves and etc.
Koulnis wrote:
Three tiers of religious area, the first being an altar with an AoE of three tiles. Simply, the altar would give 100% success rate when using one of the Piety skills. The Temple could grant a 30% additional luck or one of the God's buffs. The church would increase it to 50%. All three would allow for 100% success rate of the piety skill, and perhaps give a lower durability degradation for buildings within X amount of tiles if said tiles are within a claim.
Outside of those buffs, I also think it'd allow some room for RP-ers to do things as well, and would offer just another nice niche to the game.
uno wrote:
I find it a great lack in the immersion of the game that churches are not present. In the game's timeframe, churches were central to any settlement.
I would add a Church building category with the following features:
- There could be from one to three levels of church: a simple wood church, a stone church and maybe a Basilica/Cathedral/etc
- A church could host 1, 2 (3?) residents, depending on its dimension.
- Instead of praying, a player character could receive a confession once per game day by a church resident while inside the church, which would give an alignement bonus based on the church resident's piety skill. The church resident would lose a fraction of its Piety skill (proportional to the alignement bonus) every time this action is performed.
- (optional) A new bless type could be introduced in the piety skill, to be bestowed by a church resident once per game day to all characters present inside the church at the moment of the action. This would correspond to a sermon or similar. A temporary, randomly chosen bonus could be chosen or one could be made up anew. The church resident would need to use an item (such as an altar) which has only one charge a game day (this is necessary only if church buildings of level 2 or 3 would be implemented, to prevent more than one sermon a day) The church resident would lose a fraction of its Piety skill (proportional to the blessing bonus) every time this action is performed
- (optional) Churches could have a bell installed, which a church resident could ring during daylight (or once per game day) to provide a temporary bonus to work action speed, and/or a temporary defensive bonus when rang (once per game day).
jakkus07 wrote:
Awesome idea!!!![]()
I would add howered not 3 but 4 levels and 2 variations of same building (rock/wood):
Lvl 1 - Roadside chapel - its not much i would suggest a little bonus towards piety progress when you pray at it. Like name suggest it is built to give comfort in prayer for those who often travel.
Lvl 2 - Chapel - Important building that every stronghold/castle had. A better bonus towards piety progress when praying at altar while sermon is in progress.
Lvl 3 - Church - What i can say quite big building and quite expensive - to make it you required to have some gold. Quite big bonus towards piety progress and when praying at altar while sermon is in progress. Possess a bell which give luck for ingame day.
Lvl 4 - Cathedral - Massive building that require enormous space and should be the most pricey building to build next ofc to large keep or perhaps more - required to have quite big pocket with gold. Big bonus towards piety progress and when praying at altar while sermon is in progress. The same possesses a bell that gives massive luck for ingame day.
Also addition ideas and functions that churches should allow:
- Ability to give offering in exchange for temporary personal(not guild) luck at altar (similar to monument progress). It will not succeed if offering is not good enough.
- Pray for working class (Church - lvl 3) - Gives priest ability to pray for class of his own choosing - alchemist, blacksmiths etc. ONLY ONE CLASS per day.
Ok i run out of ideas.![]()
Sorry for "Engrish"
Jairone wrote:
I'd like to add that the residents would ideally be given a mechanism for regaining piety (otherwise the confession system would just be really painful.)
I'd suggest that they be allowed several functions which could raise their level by a given amount each game day. Those ideas are as follows:
Meditation: A church priest (resident) can meditate upon the will of God for a return of piety as per the current prayer system, awarded every minute, with a maximum of 10 points a day. *This is great for quick afk and such, but doesn't inspire a ton of just waiting and doing nothing.*
Labor clears the soul: While tending animals or performing any basic task (first skills in any tree) a priest may gain piety as per the current prayer up to 40 times a day. The chance to gain piety would be 25% and random. *Meaning they can do some other stuff, and it fits with what many monks would do daily!*
Service/Mass: Once each day, each of the priests can hold a service. If every priest attends it will be a mass. A service will boost the priests piety by a very large factor (about 15 prayers) and all who attend by a little... including other priests (about 4 prayers equivalent.) A service will take 2 minutes (effects can tick for partial use for attendies.) A mass will work on a grand scale, boosting all priests by a huge factor (25 prayers) and all attendies by a moderate factor (7 prayers worth.) It would take 5 minutes to complete. If desired, a mass could also provide a very small reputation boost to those who attend.
*Just some ideas on making this less than painful in terms of piety for the priests involved!*